
lololololololololololololololololol $49 bucks for in warranty battery service.

At this point, it’s probably safe to assume that if you’ve ever used anything Yahoo, you’ve been compromised.

Honestly, I think he’s just looking up because he knows what’s going to happen to him physically if he looks at Ivanka.

Science and evidence and facts are a helluva drug, aren’t they?

And a good swift kick to the belly might also stop your dumb ass from commenting. Even if this is a joke it’s a terrible one.

The more I watch the replay, the more I realize that the play was mostly just a result of Sproles ducking down at the last second. But I’ll be damned if I didn’t want the Eagles to rip #22's spine out for a hot minute. Sproles is a soldier.

Fair point.

Reading this article made me think of the good times playing Amped 2 on Xbox with my custom music (mostly stuff like Busta Rhymes. It was 2003) and now I’m sad.

Far, far from confirmed. We never see her die (watch the flashbacks again), someone’s set off a beacon with her name, and the discover westworld site is building upon that Elsie/Stubbs cliffhanger with an audio clip of Elsie. She may very well be dead, but she may very well be set up for a return in Season 2. If HBO

I knew, at least about the theory, by the end of Episode 2. Because of Reddit. Had I not been filled in there, I probably would have figured it out when MiB said to Angela “I thought they’d have retired you.”

If they were blindsided by the backlash toward BvS, then they weren’t paying attention or doing their jobs. Between focus groups, test screenings, and a standard eye test, someone in that company had to have said at some point “I think we’ve got a stinker.”

At this point, this was probably the only time I’d root for the Cowboys as an Eagles fan. Cowboys have too many wins where they’re going to win the division anyway, and every Vikings loss means a better draft pick. So thanks Cowboys! (I’ll go drink bleach now).

It’s because he’s smart and it makes him a good business man.

The Seiko 5 deal is a seriously great deal. CamelCamelCamel has it at the lowest price it’s been on Amazon yet. I’d be picking a few up if I didn’t have other gifts to spend my money on.

The Seiko 5 deal is a seriously great deal. CamelCamelCamel has it at the lowest price it’s been on Amazon yet. I’d

The thing I find incredible is that I’m seeing a lot of memes like this one on Facebook. Yes, America is more purple than any other color these days, but we’ve legit got people right now suggesting that votes in New York, California, etc don’t count, and still I’ve seen other posts that more or less imply that we

Pho is the phoking king of soups.

It’s time for the Senate and House to grow some cajones and stand up to him (well, in fairness, it was time for that several months before the election).

Now playing

If there’s anything about crocodiles or alligators, I demand this be added to it:

Not really, no. Generally the only time everything isn’t clean by the time the food goes out is if something needs to soak. And that usually means I burned something or didn’t deglaze properly.