
Maybe it’s because I come from a culinary background where the chef will shit on you (not literally... I think) if you don’t clean as you go, but whenever I cook, the only thing left to wash at the end of the meal is what’s on the table. Dinner isn’t served until the kitchen is clean.

Can I just take a minute to appreciate that this headline sounds like something you’d see in a 1980s era blockbuster action movie?

Tinfoil time: They’re using new enough processors for the masses to be happy with the speed out of the box—old enough to ensure that you’ll consider buying a new version 3 years from now. The entire mainstream computer industry is built this way. I mean, a well built computer can last you years. The mid-range gaming

Same. Five guys is the place to go on the East Coast if you want a lot of fries in your small fry order.

This headline is shit no matter how shitty Mike Pence is.

Absolutely cannot stand the electoral college system. Granted, I will not be voting Republican in this election, but as a conservative in New York, it’s a guarantee that my vote will never count unless I vote for the Democrat. That’s just silly.

If the breaking point was Kyle Chandler as Cable, then I have to side with Reynolds on this one.

“At long, long last, I have succumbed to my colleagues’ raving and praise and have purchased The Witcher 3, currently on sale on Steam. I’m gonna do it, everyone. Any advice?”

Planet Earth was THE content that made me buy a blu ray player so I could watch stuff in HD. This will probably be THE reason I buy a 4K TV.

Meh. I fully expect this to come up on Sunday, but I also fully expect it to devolve into Trump bringing up Bill and his infidelity.

Po-town repping.

Not even a liberal or Democrat and holy hell I’d rather have seen Biden as President than either of the candidates we have now.

I may be way off, but I'm getting the impression that the female manager (don't recall hearing her name on first watch) is a robot.

Not surprising. Not a Note, but my Galaxy S7 Edge overheated less than a month after I got it to the point where it was literally too hot to touch. My replacement still gets very hot. I wouldn’t be surprised if my left front pocket caught on fire at any random moment.

There’s also Wickr. And I only know about that because of Mr. Robot.

Nothing beats mom’s spaghetti.

Agreed. Not trying to start a flame war (any comment one way or another is going to do that anyway)--I’ve had and loved both Android and Apple phones--my S7 is fully waterproof with a headphone jack. Some videos have the thing running fine after 16+ hours submerged. Apple could have made it waterproof with the

The line of thinking that U.S. Citizens should be denied their constitutional rights is absurd and dangerous. Rahami is undoubtedly a detestable human being, and deserves everything terrible coming his way, but he needs to get his justice according to the law. Slippery slope yadda yadda, but if we can deny one citizen

Brad Pitt doesn’t seem like the kind of guy who’d cheat on his spouse with another actress.... oh wait.

They absolutely got the Lead Actress and Lead Actor picks right. I was ecstatic to see Rami Malek get his due for his turn on season 1 of Mr. Robot (he’s doing work in Season 2 as well, FWIW).