
After the update every Pokemon is taking 7-8 pokeballs (or great balls, or ultra balls) to catch it seems like, if I can even get that far before it runs away. Hell, last night I literally spent 7 ultra balls on a CP196 Pikachu (and even then, the only reason I wasted that many ultra balls on it was because fukk it

Except the “randomness” was not by design. The “randomness” is the result of a glitch that Niantic doesn’t seem keen on acknowledging or resolving.

This is weird. As a 25 year old Yankees fan, I really have never seen this team in selling mode. I’m just used to us overpaying for aging stars year after year. Can’t wait till 2019 with all these young top prospects + Harper.

I’d love for them to do the Dunk and Egg series almost Luther style. Three mini seasons of 4 episodes, one for each book. Anything longer and it’d be stretched too thin.

They kind of made cheating necessary. If they fixed the three-step problem. we wouldn’t need PokeVision. If they actually recorded our distance traveled correctly, instead of seemingly giving me 1 kilometer for every 5 walked, then we wouldn’t need to use our roombas and pets. If they actually spawned Pokemon anywhere

Frequently, it isn’t even checking once a minute. Just yesterday I went on a 1km+ walk and the needle didn’t move at all.

Biggest problem with the game is that it essentially punishes rural and suburban players. It’s such a stark difference to see both the quality and quantity of Pokemon on any given city block compared to the burbs.

If the Galaxy or iPhone had the Blackberry Bold keyboard, I’d buy either in a second.


In addition to the points mentioned, I wouldn’t be surprised (at all) to find out they in some way made it more likely for rare or high CP Pokemon to show up when you have only a few or no pokeballs left. I’ve noticed over the last few days of playing, that when I have an “abundance” (relatively speaking) of

Peeling celery before cutting it is the key to awesomeness.

They need to make those legendaries available at multiple locations. No amount of Skymiles is going to make me travel halfway across the world to get a Mewtwo.

This is Standard Oil, a century and a half later. Until the internet is treated like the commodity it is, people will be taking out a second mortgage to pay for their damn youtube videos.

That’s not really relevant. We have the technology now.

Okay. So what happens when texts and/or phone calls are blocked and, say, you’re in a movie theater or a concert hall, a la Aurora or Paris, and a shooter starts killing everyone and you can’t reach a loved one or the police?

If there’s one thing I’ve learned from working on my feet for years (not at a standing desk, but as a chef), it’s that you don’t skimp out on the fatigue mat. A good fatigue mat is the difference between chronically achy knees and feet vs. feeling like a million bucks.

No, it’s not just one of those decisions. If you don’t understand that murder is a horrendous act that no human should rightfully commit by the age of 16, then you are seriously stunted.

and “filetype:”has come in very handy for myself

I’d have liked it if Jaqen even acknowledged the fact that Waif was the antithesis of “no one” with all her sneering and stuff.

I LOVED Gwent. I’ll be buying this.