
The late-90s NSX was my absolute dream car growing up. What I wouldn’t do to give one a spin.

To everyone who laughs at my Corolla:

It’s terrible that the phone industry is latching on so hard to the idea of “thin”. An absurdly thin phone is a good concept for one reason only: it’s a buzz word. Phone’s are getting to the point now where they’re so thin they’re awkward to hold. Gimme a 3.5mm jack any day over a piece of paper.

I’ve found that almost all of the store brand products are the exact same quality as the name brand. With the exception of soups. Progresso is still the best canned soup.

Honorary mention: Preston Jacobs. The dude has sooooo many tinfoil theory videos for Game of Thrones/ASOIAF that it’s almost concerning.

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This MGS 3 trailer is what got me obsessed with the Metal Gear franchise and made me buy a PS2.

Meh, a $5 coffee 30 times a month is $150. I can use that to pay off a car loan, car insurance, student loans, cell phone bill, or put it toward living expenses. Worse if you’re like my sister and you go to Starbucks not once but twice a day.

Chucks are the best shoe for weight lifting. And it is one of the most timeless designs around. It’s a damn shame they’re doing this.

I used to have Verizon, and I currently have Sprint. The idea that Sprint’s network is anywhere close to Verizon’s is laughable. Verizon’s coverage 3 years ago was better than Sprint’s now.

If only CD Projekt had the resources to work on Cyberpunk 2077 AND a Game of Thrones RPG

My biggest problem with Yelp, as someone who used to be in the restaurant business, is that users are less likely to leave a review for a spectacular experience than they are for a terrible one. You can do 200 covers in a day, several of them going out of their way to compliment the food and/or service to their

He probably figured he wasn’t telling anybody anything they didn’t already know. He had already commented that there was a descendant of Dunk’s in the main saga.

Got shot breaking and entering into someone’s home? Yep, it’s fair to blame the victim in this case.

Re: The Hodor reveal. D&D explicitly said that the whole “Hold the Door” thing came directly from GRRM.

An all-screen phone with no bezel is the kind of thing that looks great on the Apple website or in promotional Youtube videos, until you realize that your fingers are blocking a major chunk of the content just by holding your phone, you keep accidentally hitting or highlighting things you didn’t mean to because your

Mac and Cheese, Collards, Potato Salad and Macaroni Salad all ranked too low.

The featured GIF cannot possibly be from Assassin’s Creed. Everyone knows that enemies in the AC universe only attack one at a time.

The slowmo sequence and Pam's "Eat my a…….." line alone made this episode an A for me. I laughed very, very hard at this episode.

They’re clearing the books for Bryce Harper’s $500 million contract.