
I can’t really call myself a “fan” of CoD. I’ve played many of them, like most gamers nowadays. Bought every one up to Black Ops, then haven’t really bought one since out of franchise fatigue (coincidentally, this is the same thing that happened to me with Guitar Hero, another former Activision cornerstone).

My view on the dilemma: There’s no point waiting. I’m going to have the same excitement watching the show or reading the books; I’m as invested in the characters of the show as I am in the characters of the book. And one way or another, I’m going to see the story play out in one of the mediums first. So there’s no

Can’t stress enough how important an airtight container is for this, even going the extra paranoid step and wrapping the whole airtight container with plastic wrap. There’s few things more dangerous in a kitchen than turning on a fryer with a substantial amount of water mixed in with the oil.

My bet is that Alliser and Co. couldn’t give a damn about Jon until they got word of what the Red Woman could do/plans to do. Then, it’s “Crap we gotta get his body back before they resurrect him.” Show Alliser doesn’t seem the type to give a damn whether Jon comes back as a wight or not; his massive ego would very

My God, all those Hollywood movies where they store one person’s personality in another person’s head are really going to come true. /looking at your Kevin Costner and Ben Kingsley.

In that last shot when Jyn is wearing imperial armor, that’s definitely the sound of Vader breathing over the music.

As a Knicks fan, this is all I have to say:

I fail to see much of a point to this article. Yeah, they want him to give up some of the money he’s owed on his contract. So? The Broncos didn’t sign Kaep to that contract; the 49ers did. They’re setting the terms under which they would bring him onto their team, and at the end of the day, it’s up to Kaep if he wants

This. Just bought a $275 item. Would’ve been nice to see this literally yesterday.

This. Just bought a $275 item. Would’ve been nice to see this literally yesterday.

Edit: Durnit, double post.

Edit: Durnit, double post.

I’ve been a huge fan of mine, which I also bought refurbished last year.

I’ve been a huge fan of mine, which I also bought refurbished last year.

I’d be more than okay with this. Whether or not you’re a fan of Affleck’s acting, he’s almost beyond a doubt proven he’s a better filmmaker than actor.

As a guy... part of me is happy for them. Part of me doesn’t know how to feel about one of the most strikingly beautiful women alive (IMHO) being taken off the market by Jim Lovitz.

That company is dead in the water if they expect people to pay that much.

But wiping your own ass is done in the privacy of your own bathroom. Meanwhile, I can’t walk down a city street without getting cigarette smoke blown in my face. As someone who has lived with smokers and has to deal with smokers every day, fuck smoking.

Quite possibly my favorite thing I ever made during my time as a cook was poutine topped with shredded duck confit and microplane-grated crispy duck skin. Needed a change of pants after that one.

Thing is, ransomware attackers are typically sending opportunistic attacks, not targeted. Emails containing ransomware in links or file attachments are sent a bit more indiscriminately than your typical spear phishing email. That’s why the ransom is usually so low—because they don’t know who’s going they’re going to

Now playing

No one’s traps are so small that they cannot properly rest a barbell on them, except for maybe extreme cases. You should be retracting your scapula and lats in order to keep your trunk tight. This basically squeezes your traps, and in a standard high-bar back squat you’ll more or less be able to feel where the bar

I understand wanting to know what possessed someone to do what he did. I understand the logic behind writing a longform piece about what led him to become the monster that he is. The problem isn’t in wanting to paint a more complete picture of what happened—the problem is that the article was tone-deaf, insensitive,

Is this like when they said Khan wasn’t in the movie?