
My first time flying back into JFK from out of the country and using one of these things, I got the X (the equivalent of the red light green light that some foreign airports play). I must say it was fairly annoying that I got stuck waiting an hour to re-enter my country and not being allowed to use my cell phone

One does not simply leave biscuits sitting for three days without getting an intense longing sensation.

Anyone else find it a bit odd, even in this show’s universe, that Deanna managed to turn into a relatively in tact walker? I mean, she was clearly going to be eaten after her last stand, and unless the walkers decided they were full (which doesn’t happen), there shouldn’t have been much left to her other than bones.

This letter was a ticket straight to Nopesville. Holy hell I cannot believe that this guy could read back that letter and not nope the hell out of there.

There are plenty of developers who are charging $60 for 10 hours worth of content (more if you count the endless DLC). You’ve got movies that run an hour and a half and cost $12-15 for tickets. People will pay $20 for a Blu Ray of their favorite 1.5 hr movie. A 40 minute long CD costs $12 or 13. A Starbucks coffee

It really makes me laugh that a 5'8" male is considered overweight at 165 lbs. Any measure that takes weight into account over bodyfat percentage is archaic at best.

Is it me you’re looking for?

That’s a solid nope.

It has to be a beard situation. I mean, the woman has a kid. That doesn’t happen from cuddling and you don’t get to take that back.

I’d take Alexandra Breckenridge as Triss over Emma Stone, for sure.

Not at all. I can see the hypocrisy in it, but nope.

...so after all the comments toward Bill Romanowski, is it racist when Frank Clark calls him “boy”?

I think this commenter has more of a problem with what most commercial gym goers call a touch and go, when the weight bounces, and that tiny bit of bounce actually does make a world of difference in attempting to begin a rep. Granted, it’s not correct form to use momentum for a deadlift, but in this case it’s kind of

Sometimes it’s not that easy.

There always has to be that asshole (or in this case, about 70 of them) who is speeding along even when you can’t see shit captain. I like to vroom vroom as much as the next guy but the lack of common sense is disturbing.

Not the biggest Harry Potter fanboy (despite reading all the books and seeing all the movies), but I just have to say that is a fantastically stacked cast.

Meh, coming from someone whose done this stuff professionally—most real life professional kitchens (read: not the ones you see on tv) don’t actually have a guard. If anything, you might use a clean hand towel, but that’s more laundry and slower than just putting your fingers at risk.

I was always under the impression that use by/sell by dates were more of a liability thing than anything: i.e. You drank that milk two weeks after it expired so you can’t sue us for making you sick.

And watch the equipment staffer get fired for breaking Griffin’s hand.

MS should just cut their losses and stop bringing their gaming products to Japan. It’s been quite clear for almost a decade and a half now that Japan couldn’t give two shits about Xbox or any of its games.