

YES!! I might be the only viewer in a 100 mile radius but I'm glad I'll get to see more of this show.

Please tell me they didn’t patch out the infinite inventory of the companions (if you command them to pick something up, they can always pick it up regardless of their weight limit). That was critical for getting my settlement going as I’d otherwise have to sit through 40 second load screens every 10 seconds to fast

About time. I know there’s all the rhetoric about “Once you’re in the ballpark, you should be on your guard at all times,” but any person who tells you that they’ve been to a ballpark ever, and haven’t taken even a split second to look at their phone, talk to the person in the seat next to them, or turn their back on

I sincerely hope this gets a third season. Season 1 was adequate television, if not a little difficult to see through to the end. Definitely not for everybody. Season 2, however, can and should go down as one of the best single seasons of a television show ever. It had me captivated from beginning to end. I’m willing

(insert a large plate full of offered excuses here)

He can’t get in trouble for it unless he signed an NDA or it’s a lie. And something tells me neither is the case. The most Konami can do is protest by not supporting next year’s game awards, but it doesn’t matter because their Pachinko machines aren’t getting GotY anyway.

/purchases one.

Someone forgot to tell Jesse Eisenberg that he was wasn’t auditioning for Gotham on FOX.

Why do I keep hate-watching this show? It is the worst television show I've ever watched (and I watched Dexter Season 8), and I can't stop watching it.

This scene has the exact same color palette as the dream sequences that were in Man of Steel, and it is highly out of character for Batman to show fear to his enemy. I have no doubt that this is a Batman dream sequence.

If Marvel shows Spiderman before butts are in the seats, then they are revealing literally the most anticipated shot of the movie. No way we see Spiderman before the movie comes out unless it’s through a leak.

Sad to see them manipulated into joining that murder cult, but not sad to see them suffer the consequences of it. If you’re an adult with reasonable mental facilities, you reap what you sow when you do what they did.

Same thing happened to me... not with the new RB or GH, but with the old ones. I was inspired by those games to purchase Rocksmith (the original), which I thought would finally help me make good on my first-year-of-college guitar purchase (which had since sat in a closet for a few years).

And they should reintroduce the MicroSD. The only reason for a phone maker to remove the MicroSD slot is to force us to buy their increased-storage models at a shitty price.

It couldn’t be something as simple as the shifting of tectonic plates, could it? Mind you this comes from someone who’s only experience with California comes from Hollywood movies and rap songs.

This episode was certainly entertaining. I really, really hope they give the show another season at this point, since Season 2 has been so amazing. The ratings are shit but if any network’s going to bring a show back for service of the story rather than the fans, it’s HBO.

Can you actually close this app and still listen? Still my biggest pet peeve with the iOS/Android Youtube app.

I’ve never missed 12 year olds threatening to hump my mom more than I have since I’ve gotten a XB1. No one talks anymore if they’re not in a party and it’s a little disconcerting.