
“This is deplorable.” - Shia Labeouf

My only justification for why NBC felt it necessary to pull the whole Claire-under-the-sheet move is that they were REALLY banking on getting Hayden Panettiere back until the last minute and they didn't have the foresight to have a Plan B.

I’d love it if they’d just make a damn movie based on the book it’s named after.

It’s worth noting that those looking to grab a pair of Chucks for use in the gym should take care not to purchase the new Chuck IIs. These newer Chucks have more padding in the sole which eliminates the sole advantage (pun intended) that the Chucks have on other flat shoes.

I’m well aware the original Kara demo came out years ago, but this looks so much like an unofficial video game sequel to Ex Machina (and I’m all for it).

Even as someone who loves a hot dog (kraut, mustard, it’s all you need), is this any surprise? The amount of nitrates and nitrites from the TCM in the average hot dog is much more than we should consume on the regular.

The past decade has made me embarrassed to be a conservative.

That’s $595,000 per employee fired. He could have kept a lot of them employed for a long time with that money, or at the very least given them a nice little severance package instead of funneling it back to the employees who still have a job.

I agree and disagree at the same time. I agree that learning real instruments is infinitely more fun and rewarding. But Rock Band is also valuable as a gateway drug for those who would be inclined to play the real instrument, and it’s fun regardless for those who aren’t interested. Personally, Rock Band and Guitar

Being from NY myself, I know how dumb New York sports fans get when they’re drunk. Eagles fans get all the hate but really, our fans are turrrrrrible. The dude, from the looks of it, was just asking for it. Not excusing violence but we don’t even know that it was all about the game. For all the audio we’ve heard, the

Douggernaut is such a boring nickname. Muscle Hamster is much better.

The law is the law and the motorcyclist should not have been passing over the double yellow.

Best new show on television.... arguably the best show on television, period. So, so good.

This article could have been a lot shorter... under no circumstance is it ever advisable to stay with someone after they have cheated. I’m sorry, but if anyone who has been cheated on and stays in the relationship made the wrong choice, plain and simple.

I love Chipotle. But lately, they’ve been getting so stingy with their portions. A burrito that used to weigh a pound (exaggeration? approximation? I’m not sure but it was huge. That’s what she said) now weighs maybe 2/3rds of that. And they’re not reducing their prices but rather increasing them. If Chipotle

Playing devil’s advocate, if the server did consciously lie to him about it being law, then it is partly the server’s fault.

Meh, if Apple can have a Microsoft exec on stage to talk about Microsoft software on the iPad Pro, then I don’t see why Amazon can’t play nice and offer the Chromecast on their store.

As a New Yorker, I’m pretty much contractually obligated to love all things Pizza. And I don’t see why anyone has a problem with blotting the grease off of a greasy pizza. I mean, if you’re eating pizza, it’s a cheat meal regardless; but , as a few of the local pizzerias by me have yet to figure out, a greasy pizza

Remove one half of the game, drop the price by one sixth. Seems legit.