“In defense of the many media outlets—including this one—that took Sean “Diddy” Combs’ announcement that he was changing his name to Brother Love at face value, it’s 2017.”
There’s a reason he was cast as a rapist in Gossip Girl, even if everyone I guess just forgot about that after a while.
You’re a true hero.
Can some kind soul out there start a gimmick account that spoils this clickbait shit in the comments? I’m not watching this (or any other) fucking video when an article would have sufficed.
And Piers Anthony is not.
That’s how I’ve always felt about Discworld, although I haven’t read those, and everything I’ve heard leads me to believe that they are far superior to the Xanth novels.
I don’t know; don’t you think that the cost of CGI Leia is probably lower than Mark Hammil’s salary?
KYLE, Lil Yachty, and Future are too busy pretending they’ve never seen The Lion King to show any interest in the roles.
Well now you’re just making shit up.
It’s like the Fake News that you’re supposedly not the actor from Clarissa Explains It All.
This is a clear ripoff of the classic Piers Anthony novel “Killobyte,” which counts among the author’s finest works, due to the minimal amounts of misogyny and the fact that the relationship between the two main characters was super gross but technically not pedophilia.
It’s about ethics in Presidential journalism!
I would be all in on a President who holds meetings while playing croquet.
I put in my 2 weeks notice on Friday before I left work, and now I’m at a crossroads of waiting for my boss to yell at me and not actually caring about getting work done. I need something to pass the time.
Ahem. If you want clicks, a better headline would be “Tom Hanks Allegedly Propositioned A Young Fan.”
It’s leaps and bounds better than golf.
I would just like to point out that I pulled both this comment and the one about freedom of speech out of the greys just to see the replies. I’m feeling very chaotic neutral today.
There’s a difference between kissing a client’s ass and being openly and publicly rude to them.