
Man, when I’m President, I’m just not going to play golf. The one thing that both sides seem to agree on is that the President spends too much time playing golf. If I cut that out, I think we can all come together and make some real progress.

I don’t see how they could be considered punk; they’ve been around since 1992, and Blink-182 didn’t even invent the punk genre until 1995.

Yeah, Italy doesn’t have Pizza Hut, for good reason. They do have Domino’s in Milan, which is mind-boggling to me, because who would be in Italy and choose to eat Domino’s?

In Europe, Pizza Hut is actually much better, but it’s also considered much more...upscale? I’m not sure if that’s the right word for it, but a large pepperoni in Helsinki will set you back $30. It was closer to $40 when I lived there and the Euro was stronger.

I am honestly surprised that connection wasn’t mentioned in this review.

I guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree; Woody Harrleson is putting LBJ into office, just like his father did.

Man, I think it would be better if this actually is a fetish site. People getting off to this is super fucking weird, but at least that’s more comprehensible than people being into this for non-sexual reasons.

Close to 6 books a year?! Glad to see he’s slowed down. Either that or he can’t afford the ghostwriters anymore.

No; him and Brett Ratner are not legally allowed to be in the same town together. There would be questions regarding who is truly the baddest man, and the whole balance of power would be thrown off.

Her cousin Leroy, on the other hand, is running straight into a collaboration with Brett Ratner without any regard for the safety of himself or others.

I propose they follow the Halloween template and make season 3 about something else entirely.

Only if the chili is made without beans, as God intended.

Well, I’m glad that problem is solved!

It also explains why the people talking in the Roadhouse seemed to be talking about the drunk man that Audrey had also talked about, and him being a Lodge creation would explain why he still seemed to be drunk after being in jail all night.

I was betting on her being trapped in the drunk guy in the jail, similar to how Diane was trapped in Naido.

But does it explain why MT Wentz was retconned out of the last book? We demand answers!

I watched the whole thing, but I don’t know why I bothered. I kept hoping we would get new seasons, with each one focusing on Zachary Quinto slapping a different person.

Well he DID slap a child a few years ago.

Dragged into all of the allegations coming out over the past few weeks. The same thing could be said of Andy Dick, but now when it happened, people cared, because this is a thing that people care about right now.

This certainly came as no surprise given his reputation. The real question is, how has Terry Richardson not been dragged into this yet?