This comment reads the same way as I imagine every comment on any given Reddit thread.
This comment reads the same way as I imagine every comment on any given Reddit thread.
Your voting public was so preoccupied with whether or not they could that they didn’t stop to think if they should.
Will they also rescind his Oscar for American Beauty? I feel like that role can be viewed in an entirely new context now.
I don’t think I’ve ever actually been scared by a game, other than some pretty good jump scares in Bioshock. But for my money, I’ve never experienced a more tense, harrowing experience in a game than the “Shining Lights, Even In Death” mission on Metal Gear Solid V.
There’s a place nearby that’s $5 to play all day, and I always meant to go there in the morning and stay until I beat the game.
Oh God, if I had saved the money I spent on Gauntlet and the Simpsons Arcade Game, I could be retired by now.
You’re probably correct, but I’m speaking purely in terms of rapping talent.
Big Boi > Andre 3000.
That screenshot at the top makes me really hope that this game lets Mario carjack some scooters and run over Mushroom Kingdom hookers with them.
I assume he wrote down every horror cliche he could think of on a scrap of paper, pulled one from a hat each month, and started with the SUPER SHOCKING TWIST ENDING and then worked backwards from there. Eventually he ran out of strips of paper and we got shit like Chicken, Chicken.
I’m not accusing McKellen of anything. And I don’t really care if anybody jumps on that bandwagon or not. I’m just saying that casting suspicion on an actor who is rumored to have an interest in young men (accurate or not) is a far cry from making a blanket statement about all gay men.
I’m not the one who called Ian McKellen out, so even if it were homophobic (it’s not), it’s not MY homophobia. You might have noticed that if you would stop being so damn dramatic.
This is absolutely correct. Being between the patty and the bun allows the cheese to melt slightly. Apple is putting the lettuce down there. Who the fuck wants warm, limp lettuce?
A) There were circumstances other than sexuality that led Ian McKellen, specifically, to be named.
THANK YOU. Holy hell, I found the video, and that was exactly it. I’ve been trying for decades to figure out what that was. That was the last unidentified scar in my youth psyche!
Better than the “Kevin Spacey proves that gay men are pedophiles” I would have expected from them.
Frankly, 9:30 is several hours past the time that I usually spike my Cocoa Krispies with Buttershots.
Hell, Dillahunt could play BOTH roles. It wouldn’t be unprecedented for him.
Say what you will about Trump, but none of his predecessors ever convinced one of the greatest baseball players of all time to act as their lawyer. Even those who served when he was still alive weren’t able to pull that off!