
The lack of nostalgia for Edwin McCain is likely due to the amount of people who associate his one hit with concealing boners.

For Mario 3, it helped if you had seen The Wizard.

Pretty sure I spent my 7th grade dances trying NOT to press my erection up against anybody.

Is it MSNBC or NBC News? I think the headline said MSNBC and was changed, but the body of the article still says MSNBC. I’m confused.

Don’t forget Billy Bush the Groper Listener.

I don’t get it, and I’ve never subscribed. But I suppose it’s worth a shot.

Being knocked off of stuff reminds me of the godawful Addams Family game for the NES. The game was punishingly difficult, but if you cheated and got unlimited lives, it was almost beatable. Almost.

SPOILER ALERT: It turns out that Luigi was never real, and only existed in Mario’s mind. Also, at the beginning, Mario adopts a child, and it turns out to be a grown-ass, murderous Russian Toad pretending to be a child. Also, Bruce Willis was dead the whole time.

Drunk Facetaco used to occasionally order things and have them gift wrapped so it would be a very nice surprise for Sober Facetaco when I got them. Given that I was in the Navy at the time and shipping could sometimes take up to 6 months, it was often entirely unexpected.

After The AV Club went and Kinjaculated all over our comments without our consent, I’d say they’re hardly in a position to throw stones.

Way to bury the lede and not even mention in the headline that we finally got to hear the accompanying joke!

Judging by the picture, she’s also guilty of stealing Markie Post’s hair, possibly to channel her powers as a prosecutor on Night Court.

Not only could this have easily been handled as an article instead of a video, but it also omits the creepy machine cult from NieR: Automata, which is a tragic oversight.

I know the cast of Good Times tried it. It did not go well.

This is no surprise considering the entire country was victimized by his bat-nipples.

Vincent Donofrio looks like he’s getting ready to talk to us about diabetus.

Hey, this guy had a thought, and when presented with evidence that he was incorrect, he acknowledged that and learned from it. Let’s continue to shit all over him for it!

I had this idea a few weeks ago when I heard about a Texas school that changed their name from Lee High School to LEE High School so they wouldn’t need new signs. Let’s just say that the Robert E Lee statues are actually Christopher Lee. Everyone loves Christopher Lee.

My son has a bizarre interest in Domino’s. I guess it seems forbidden, like maybe he thinks we’ve never ordered pizza from there for some reason other than the fact that it’s not very good. I was talking to him about our impending move, and he asked me if they have Domino’s where we’re moving. I told him they probably

From ages 8-13, I lived in a house that had a huge pear tree in the yard. And guess whose job it was to go out there with a wheelbarrow every weekend and pick up all of the nasty, half-rotten pears that had fallen off of its branches over the course of the week. Sometimes they would even fall on me while I was picking