
My Chief also said no to cock fighting, even though I said we would wait until we were in international waters. Bunch of killjoys.

Actually, now that I think about it, this moves down to #4.

My 3rd favorite training when I was in the Navy was when they didn’t know what else to cover, so they repurposed some Army jungle survival training videos. In case our ship ever sank in a jungle, I guess.

He’s...not wrong? It’s pretty shitty that Trump put Pence in the position that he could end up being our President, but I’d rather have him mocking the guy than agreeing with him.

Did Newt Gingrich just sleep through every class about how to hide your true extraterrestrial reptilian nature from the Earthlings you’re trying to subjugate? Because this is just the most recent of his many slip-ups, starting with the time he forgot the first rule of hiding your reptilian nature: do not name yourself

He was probably just treating her like garbage to help her get into the right frame of mind for the garbage movie she was acting in.

That’s fair. I probably wouldn’t have said anything if they didn’t attack James Corden for his jokes yesterday.

If you think that’s the world’s longest Twitter thread, you should read some of the threads that Patton Oswalt has used to absolutely destroy people.

Maybe he was worried people would laugh at a lawyer named Harder taking a sexual harassment case? Obviously your mind and mine both went there, so it seems likely.

Charles Harder, is that you?

It’s incredible to me that he had the balls to make a movie with a monster called “The Creeper.”

I liked The Kingdom, but the rest of his work is the kind of thing that I would have liked when I was 15 and just discovering independent film .

It’s a ridiculous religion that can be discounted entirely.

Jokes about current events should be made when they’re current. It’s right there in the name.

Stardew Valley Subsidy Expansion: You have to continue playing the game, but you’re penalized if you grow any crops.

I’ve been listening to “Movin’ Right Along” from The Muppet Movie on repeat basically all day, and I will probably do so all weekend. After 3 years of living in Lansing and hating it, and a full two years of trying to get the hell out of here, I got the official word today. I’m moving to Salt Lake City by the end of

Trump may start World War 3, but he just single-handedly ended the War On Christmas, so I’d say it’s a wash.

Not being any sort of lawyer, I can’t imagine that this contract would hold up on legal grounds.

So would you say you’re not...Fond of Fonda?