
Yes. And they kill with their weaponized asses.

Or you say "Guy Made Of Bees" three times and you summon a guy made of bees.

Really? Twitter Cops was my least favorite episode of Black Mirror since The Waldo Moment.

American Horror Story: Wicker Man But With More Butts

Even in medium-sized towns, it's a rarity. We have two in Lansing, but only one of them is any good. We also have two Vietnamese places that I know of, but one is Vietnamese/Cajun and the other is Vietnamese/BBQ/Cell Phones.

FUCK NO. Goddamn lentils. My mother used to slow-cook lentils for some reason I don't understand since apparently their quick cooking time is considered a selling point. But she would spend the whole damn day with those lentils stewing, and at the end of it, what is your reward? Fucking fake-ass beans. It's one

When I worked in a burger place, I had a lady insist that their food had to be made with utensils that had not even come in contact with onions, as her husband was deathly allergic and even the smallest amount of onion residue could kill him. Maybe don't fucking put his life at risk by going to a restaurant where

I had a visitor in town from Finland, and it was only after we sat down at a Mexican restaurant that she informed me that she does not like tortillas. She then proceeded to ask if various menu items could be ordered without the tortilla. My response was effectively "no, don't be dumb" for just about everything.

I once saw someone demand a whole menu item be created out of ingredients the restaurant already had on-hand. Yes, they have bacon, lettuce, tomato, and bread, but that doesn't mean you can come in and order a BLT. They were upset when the restaurant wouldn't accommodate their request.

I work at a company that is 75% Indian, and whenever anybody comes back from a trip to India, they bring sweets, so my mind stopped being blown by that a long time ago.

And then we all grew up. But you know what? None of us became astronauts or rock stars either, but we don't blame those dreams for being stupid in the first place. Maybe it's not Garden State that sucks; maybe we're the ones who suck.

Garden State is the Catcher In The Rye of movies: if you don't like it, you're probably not in the target demographic anyway.

America just isn't ready for The Zit Remedy or Downtown Sasquatch.

My thoughts exactly. It sounds like he was basically out, just not to the press, but that's probably due to a lack of interest since he's relatively unknown.

Do people read Ramsey Campbell? I've only read one of his books, but it was decidedly not good.

Lord forgive me for knowing this.


No such thing!

I pronounce it Ither.

You're not helping!