
I dunno, superhero slavery falls in line with superhero murder and genocide for me. I also sort of disagree on the scene when he flees. He's a coward; he's not a good person; but he wakes up to find the world ending and being dragged to a pod to leave. I'm not sure he's totally comprehending the magnitude and he's

No arguments on the last point.

It seems her basic response to her family's evil previously was to just say whatever, I live elsewhere do whatever I won't stop you I just won't help. It's only since she joined the show, like Mon-El, and met Supergirl/Kara that she's decided to do anything remotely active to stop it. The two before we met them were

I'm down for that. First, the women would obviously win, and two, I think simply developing friendships is something this show could use more of.

I think actually he ends up being the trail guy, so he's just putting himself in front of people for the sake of buying time for the group to escape, I think Supergirl's at the lead. I honestly haven't gone back to watch though so I could be wrong.

I get what you mean too, I just have a hard time placing murder below rape/slavery. It's all evil, irregardless of motive (with the exception of self defense which it wasn't). I think they've been really inconsistent with Mon-El, but that's par for the course on this show. Ultimately, while he was hesitant enough at

Oh I absolutely hate it, don't get me wrong, and it's a stupid detail to add out of canon, but Jeremiah was literally sending people off to their death and it felt like everyone was cheering his change of heart. To Mon-El's credit, he ended up helping free the slaves from Slaver's Moon and even taking the rear in the

I don't really get why they added it, and I absolutely don't like it, but sins of the father and silent complicity is not exactly unique to Mon-El or many superhero companions even on this show.

I would be down to see James/Guardian join LoT. I like Brooks, and his character has potential, but it's never really gelled. Even last season it felt like they tried to force chemistry and it never worked.

Yeah, it's not… good.

I think Brooks has the support of the CW. He's teamed up on their CW Good programming and he's an incredibly charming, good looking young male. Feels a little like when the CW said to Wilson Bethel we know you can do more than be a love interest on Hart of Dixie, and you're incredibly appealing on paper, we'll find

Eh, I really like Mon-El. His character has been deployed too often, partly because they wanted to retcon his not developing in season one (as he didn't exist) I think, but when they give him space to be a sidekick Wood really shines. I'll never totally understand the unbridled hate given the very grey area a lot of

I don't know that initially Supergirl will be the target. She talks about going to bad places when she loses people and I think it may start out as general temptation to seek revenge or play fast-and-loose with the law, which will then put her at-odds with Supergirl.

I enjoyed Supergirl's homage to Big Hero Six. It's full of plot inconsistencies (did I miss why Spheer injected himself after being against moving forward, was the tape doctored?) and Kara pushing journalistic integrity at every corner, but again it's a show of charming personalities which generally produces fun,

Sometimes I like to pretend I share a brain with Rob Thomas. Only a whole one though, I don't do refried mush.

2017 has made me say a lot of things I never expected, and "Good lord Malcolm Goodwin looks hot with a mustache," is one of them.

I think he's still human, otherwise Ravi's cure 2.0 is screwed already and it seems like there would be no reason to set up the scene between Ravi and Clive then.

Furguson as the officiant with Cece translating.

I never got my Happy Endings happy endings and I'm still bitter.

This was so pitch perfect I almost cried through my laughter. Lamorne Morris has turned what could have been, like almost all of these characters, a gimmick and made Winston the heart of the show.