
"She and her mercenaries were snacking on Rob Thomas's brain."

One, two, Winstons kneel before you
That's what I said, now
Winstons, Winstons who adore you
Just go ahead, now
One has diamonds in his pockets
That's some bread, now
This one, said he wants to buy you rockets
Ain't in his head, now

Maybe he used to, but the bar scene with Winn a few episodes ago was painful. Part of the problem is that they tried to make James this serious, almost brooding type and I'm not sure that's really his best fit (or maybe that's totally on me and he has a beautiful smile and I'd just like to see it more) and frankly

Looking rich and being rich enough to invest $75,000 in your own business 70s are very different. They absolutely could have sold the house, looked for something smaller off the water, but it's not at all unrealistic that they would have a hard time getting a (reasonable) loan on anything given age and gender. So

They committed to making her a non-white character, albeit only a brief mention early on, but they committed nonetheless and therefore should have actually cast a WoC. I might also be in the minority in that, to me, Chyler Leigh elevates that relationship to what it is because Lima doesn't do it for me.

It did come up in the Slaver's Moon episode and Mon-El said he disagreed with it (which I will grant you could have been stated more strongly). Given we saw Rhea go full Mommy Dearest on him last night, I do think they're trying to paint Mon-El as basically an unwilling participant in his parent's regime. Need to do

James's first love interest was Lucy Lane too.

My problem with this argument lies in assuming that CBS is more racially progressive than CW which seems to run counter to literally all programming on both channels (except the jettisoned to digital The Good Fight, a decision which in and of itself seems to indicate CBS's wariness of complex and powerful black

I like Mon-El and agree with this pretty fiercely nonetheless. I think the writers did get excited to write a new character, one with powers, and got carried away at the expense of other character development but these are things they need to focus on incorporating because representation is critical. It's not Wood's

It's a really good thread where I think a lot disagree at a granular level but everyone has brought some interesting (respectful) views.

It did sort of feel like a draft rant that had been cut and pasted from a few weeks ago and the reviewer was like ok well guess I should work this in now.

"Is there a story to the coat?"

This was a weird quip from a TV critic I have to say, especially given the CW does this every year and begins summer rollouts in tandem (like iZombie returning next week, yay!).

Season one's will my friend dump his totally hot, smart, awesome, trying to be nice to me girlfriend if I pine enough is why I a stopped watching until Netflix. Lucy was awesome and they wasted Jenna Dewan so that James and Kara could make dopey eyes at each other.

I like Felicity. She has her issues with men (likely a result of issues with both parents) but she also used to stand up to Ollie and Dig and is hella smart. Thea has also been great, as were Sarah and Nyssa.

Thank you all for this thread. This is exactly it. I just want women to kick ass, to be flawed, to be people. People that make mistakes, that love, that are silly, that have compassion. You know, people. iZOMBIE gets this right more often than not, and it's why Felicity initially worked so well. It feels like I see a

This is an excellent observation. There is absolutely a gender role flip and they both seem very comfortable with it at this point. Which, frankly, is refreshing. I mean even James' heroism basically came in response to Supergirl having to save him. Mon-El started as this stereotypical I am a man, what is my role if

It was literally the face I made when my husband went on a rant about misogyny on House Hunters. I think he actually swooned.

Phoning this is in, so to speak, so I'll try and be short-ish.

I totally agree but counterpoint… Petra on a mechanical bull.