
I'm terrified, but I do appreciate the artistry of my nightmare.

Honestly I was kind of hoping it would get renewed just so we'd all get to see Amoruso continue to squirm about being depicted as the person she actually is.

Yeah, it's possible it was all a setup but the season three description specifically lists Wood, and apparently Benoist was fairly candid in an interview about not worrying about whether he'd return so…

Bilson also had a small homage to WW on HOD, a reference likely to her OC days. I can absolutely see them trying to get Wilson Bethel a role of some kind. He was the original CW "We have no idea what to with you but you're attractive and well spoken so we'll just throw you some platform" guy. AKA Mehcad Brooks' new

Welcome back Mayor Hayes; you have been sorely missed on the CW. Is it too much to hope for a Don Todd appearance?

Women friends? Don't tell The Flash team.

She really is.

"I see you still have no title."

There might be more Easter eggs in a Rob Thomas episode than a Pixar movie.

One of the soldier mercenaries when it's Major's turn to eat the ghost pepper. It may have been worded slightly differently, but the guy called him Tina Majorino.

"You're up Tina Majorino!"

Fair, although natural born citizen is hardly a well-defined clause. I hope they don't make her evil, either. I'm thinking her original stand down was a concession for Rhea not to leak her identity.

Her accent improving helps too.

Rhea controls the military and her guards. Mon-El does not. Even if he is technically the next in line to be Regent, it seems unlikely the military is planning to just fall in line because their Regent is in love with a woman whose parents are the cause of their planet's destruction.

I would like a t-shirt with this please.

This is less of an issue for me, although it's a little iffy. This show has very much made species akin to race. Race is obviously not a provision for constitutionality, and I think that's the point. Plus, our real-life constitution wasn't written with aliens (off planet ones anyways) in mind.

This. I both want them to keep Wood and desperately do not want them to spend 10 episodes trying to save him. I like subverted gender trope Mon-El, where he cooks and and is saved by the heroine and occasionally provides some useful info or muscle.

"Do your thing, R2."

Tonight's episode really drove home that, while not the fault of the producers or writers, Calista Flockhart's absence was the biggest problem with season two. Yes there were Guardian issues and Mon-El issues and Alex's character changing tune literally every episode, but these would absolutely have been far less

I'm pretty positive we'll see a suit. I just don't know whether it will be a jumping point for next season (or a different Berlantiverse show) or as a final show of heroism at the hands of death.