
"It's always Alba! Alba! Alba!"

It was just pure perfection.

Lily Tomlin prancing with a pack of vibrators on the beach.

Supergirl too so here's hoping it realigns both.

I couldn't honestly have cared less about the rest of the episode as it allowed me to watch Winston's incredible Good Morning, Vietnam schtick.

If there's an award for the Arrowverse character the writers have done the greatest disservice to (with the caveat that I don't watch LoT) it'd have to be Iris West hands down. Patton, a lot like Wood and Leigh on Supergirl, is giving it all with the material she's been given but that's rarely enough, and she's given

He's got range but the accent may have been a bridge too far. His cheeky, "you'll be surprised to learn J'onn is more than just a pretty face," however was perfect.

I mean I'd totally ship Barry and Kara, but it's also why I like the realism of their partners. Not everyone can run on fairy dust, but I like seeing both of them do it whenever possible.

I loved it, it was just so awkwardly Barry.

I don't know what you're talking about. Hours and hours of time were importantly wasted celebrating or cursing the downfall of these relationships /s

"I didn't mean it as a gender thing, I just wanted to kick down a door."

It was damn delightful, wasn't it? Sure the whole true love's kiss thing was a cop out but at least maybe we can go back to focusing on superheroing in the next weeks.

Supergirl generally does a good enough job of that on its own anyways, as every episode retcons the previous one.

The death of my friends' families because of their religion hahahaha man I'm in stitches. Doubled over just thinking about the tattooed number on my friend's grandmothers arm.

Mon-El actually did make the comparison. When everyone was getting on Kara for defending Lena he pointed out that her instinct was to help him and that's why he believed her about Lena.

Wait a minute, Lena saved the aliens as Mon-El continues to do as a hero-in-training. So if the basis is now current decision-making, they both get redemption, but Lena's was initially an active participation in racism, which thus far we don't know how involved Mon-El was in any of his family's decision making. Not

I'd agree with that. I actually think Flash late season 2/season 3 is worse than Arrow seasons 3 and 4, but it's not exactly a high bar.

Well he has specifically stated he was against slavery in the Slaver's Moon episode, whether you believe him or not is another issue.

Four months ago (I'm guessing because this show's depiction of time is somewhat insane) an adult Lena invented a device to out aliens against their will which is only not being produced because Kara broke it and therefore it needs "tweaking."

Maybe they're just really big fans of Titanic or Dido?