
Especially when that moral purity is doled out rather subjectively. Lena Luther = good despite her mom and brother's evil doing because you can rise above blood and upbringing, Mon-El = bad because wait actually you can't. I mean four episodes or whatever ago Mon-El went to Kara and supported her belief in Lena

I mean the queen absolutely called her out last night, and Kara was like yeah and I own it, but frankly she's really owned her family's corruption and creation of Medusa exactly once each. Kryptonians and Daxamites are both pretty awful, but then again so were both the Montagues and Capulets so, eh, whatever.

Good with me! Sometimes I enjoy sitting back and watching pretty people do things. I'm ok with watching Supergirl for pretty people sleep together in between sessions of a woman kicking ass, although I like when they at least try to add a little complexity to the story.

Deniz Akdeniz playing an incredibly caring, accomplished child aide is the most CW thing this show has done and I'm here for it. I agree with one of the other commenters that I try not to pair Jane up with every guy she comes across, but I loved their interactions regardless. That, combined with Petrael's makeout

I didn't know the last part, didn't really think too much about it honestly other than that he's going for some kind of already impressive record of most CW show appearances.

I think to watch this show you have to accept its CWness. Almost all networks have a "feel" and the CW's happens to be pretty people sleeping with other people. At least the DC occasionally have shows have story floating around pretty people sleeping together. I'm ok with it but I can see how the move frustrated

The explanation for the last one is they started looking, or in the right direction anyways, when they received the broken distress signal. The rest of the timeline is literally batshit crazy. As Ranting points out, Kara developed a helluva relationship with a guy who went missing two years before she arrived on Earth.

Winn. Last season he was the whiny, "I was friend-zoned" guy and this season he's really come into his own. His scene binge-eating donuts last night with his comment about police stations and his dad was hilarious, and even the Lyra romance, while again confirming his type is iffy at best, has been nice as it allows

Happy to know I'm not the only one. Between that and don't stop me from getting myself killed while I ask you, a cop, to help me break the law to free a man hellbent on species extermination and I was all like ok be a vigilante, but ask Oliver Queen how that relationship stuff works out.

Welp, you have probably just made a whole lot of people unhappy (myself not being one of them).

That's fair, although I think that may be (at least in part) due to Wood and Benoist bringing some nuance to the script that isn't necessarily there. Amazingly it was Hatcher's queen who called her out the most, basically saying I'm going to use your bigotry against you and you'll fall for it, and gobsmackingly

At times I appreciate this rather idealistic, optimistic world, but if they go that route they'd be wise to do it occasionally and evenly. Alex has literally spent the last month (frankly the whole of the series) defying orders or insisting that friends/family be believed at their word. Even Kara got (rightfully)

I say he's really good having attempted to watch Containment (spoiler: don't). That was not an easy show to watch and he was pretty impressive given the less-than-mediocre materials. Never watched Vampire Diaries and not even Wood's one season vampire mugging and are likely to jumpstart that.

What makes other heroines so compelling is often their flaws. Veronica Mars wasn't a feminist icon because she was perfect, she was one because was flawed and worked through it, often with the help of well-developed characters by her side.

I don't actually know, I hope not, but my guess was maybe they wanted to push A romance through and if Wood didn't work, they'd be out in half a season.

Yeah I don't totally get any of it truthfully. You either accept these people are reformed or you don't, but picking and choosing which villain to believe gets really questionable when you take the side of the one who is responsible for their lifetimes of misery.

I've seen the argument that he should have left to help save future slaves, but it seemed like Daxam hasn't yet been rebuilt and his parents are counting on his coming back to lead ex-pats back. So given that take, I too am happy to see him stand up and say no.

I haven't seen the addition of character development as bad, personally. I enjoyed fleshing Diggle and Felicity, and anything to take the heat off mopey Barry. I get it's called Supergirl, but Supergirl existing in a one-dimensional universe is boring. I enjoy non-supers getting to fight and take people down, learning

Unpopular opinion alert of the week: Alex is sort of the worst. I still love her, and applaud the work Chyler Leigh is doing, but for all the talk of character development let's revisit Alex's last few months. She has: ditched her sister's birthday to hang out with her girlfriend; flipped out on her sister for

I assume she lied, as I believe she gave a pseudonym and also there's no way her budget would allow her to hire one anyways so she must have lied about that too.