
It's also just dumb. If they can BFF with Regina, who killed more or less everyone, including her true love wife (who ended up being saved but whatever) it seems an easy thing to be like when I was that guy I killed someone indiscriminately (as I was wont to do) and this turned out to be David's dad who was going to

We only know two other characters, and there's no sign it's either Madeline's or Bonnie's daughters.

Those kids have clearly witnessed what happens at home before tonight's episode. It seems almost too obvious they're the bullies, but definitely the top theory at this point.

So what I'm hearing is we're a year closer to the Aly, Winston, & Furguson Variety Hour.

Lena is loosely Kara's best female non-family best friend by virtue of being the only female non-family person with whom Kara interacts. So it's still pretty safe to say that they don't know each other particularly well and trusting her over those she does (i.e. James) is foolish given the evidence. She doesn't have

Glad to know I'm not the only one. Totally agree on the plot resolution, flimsy and really doesn't hold up when you consider that doing evil because your motivation is family is what Lillian Luthor does. He did a lot of evil stuff, to suddenly forgive him is just too neatly packaged.

It's like they can't find a middle ground between providing emotional support and pushing back constructively. They kind of tried with Mon-El last week, when he approaches Kara alone about his suspicions, but when no one listened they had him blurt everything out with terrible timing like always. I sort of forgive him

Oh no, I know where a lot of it derived, just mostly a "Loose Lips Sink Ships" joke about how Kara and Alex will tell literally everyone they meet the intimate details of a government agency apparently too secretive to put out a notice about alien abductions.

Unless they gave him flying powers this episode, they mentioned a few episodes back he couldn't fly yet but could leap. Since they haven't shown him flying yet I assumed this was still the case.

"The Homeland Security Department is considering separating children from parents caught crossing the Mexican border illegally, Secretary John Kelly said Monday."

I feel terrible saying this because again Brooks seems like a good guy who has been good in other things, but I found myself having a hard time believing him in a scene in a bar with like five lines shooting the shit.

To be fair, I don't think Mon-El can fly (only leap really well) so he was kind of down for the count stopping a spaceship once it left the ground. J'onn though absolutely could have.

An "Alien Dive Bar" "Cheers" would make more compelling tv than alien HR.

Mon-El saves Kara instead of babysitting police officers, bad. Alex literally runs her own operation while suspended, gets apology from J'onn.

I can totally see that and it makes a lot of sense. I went with M'gann because of the shame in their people, but there's definitely a lot of J'onn in this scenario too.

Kevin has a fish head and he's awesome.

I also find Dean Cain not compelling at all, so I'm sure to be in the minority as well.

I'd say it's maybe a little more M'gann than J'onn, but absolutely. The common theme of this season has been that everyone deserves to be who they are and to reveal who they are as they are comfortable. It's why we're supposed to believe M'gann's redemption story and Lena's innocence and that an alien registry (or the

I'm going to be honest here, I really enjoyed this episode, but if you're willing to suspend disbelief for this episode and not the ones prior then I think the issue may have very little to do with plot holes and a lot to do with strong feelings against characters. That's fine, that's fandom, but this episode featured

It was super creepy.