
This seems like a thing people want to blame the Supergirl team for, but which, frankly, seems out of their control.

Is Mon-El being the voice of reason that insane? He's been set up as a party boy, but that doesn't make him dumb. In fact, his jaded skepticism is what's pushed a lot of Kara's storylines since the break. He doesn't know Earth, but he does know aliens and villains, and seems pretty well learned (unsurprisingly if

I have mixed feelings on James, and I very felt the relationship between he and Kara, but it remains uncomfortable how they've dealt with it.

Tonight I yelled,"Nooooo, not Winn!" So I would like to congratulate the writing staff on finally making me like Winn. I would also like to thank Lyra for that because, well, she rocks. More Lyra please.

The ninth season of Curb is the rest of Wilson's face on Home Improvement. It's an illusion we will never see but talk about forever.

This video is my everything right now.

That was its intent though, so that everyday people could know who among them was an alien. It's intent is evil. Which reflects upon the person who developed it and assigned it said intent. You can have a smart idea that's intended for bad things. That doesn't mean it isn't a smart idea, just a vile one.

Sure there are other ways to kill Kryptonians, but as the last episode demonstrated, a battle of wits is actually a pretty good test for Supergirl, and far more interesting than just introducing a new alien for her to beat up. Lena can be that foe long-term.

Evil people lurk among all of us, we don't go about forcing people to wear their identities like badges because some humans are bad. It's like asking all brown people to provide papers because of an irrational fear of violence by a person of Mexican descent. It's manipulative and based purely on racism.

Yup, they totally lost what to do with her, but at least she has the potential if they ever want to visit that well that started building.

I contend they can be equally bad with men. I've actually always liked the female characters better. I never totally got the huge Felicity backlash in seasons three and four; Nyssa Al Ghul is pretty kickass; Kara has her issues but she's still a very strong woman unafraid to clap back with I don't need your

I think real marital/relationship problems are compelling within a half hour set or as the background, but I certainly don't need to watch my own marriage for 40 minutes a week, and there is a lot of Jane and Michael's dynamic in my own.

Well he did learn from the master: Oliver Queen.

There's always Wally.

Kid was a true scene-stealer last night.

This episode's biggest problem was that it wasn't the last two. The last two episodes were so good that while this was lovely to watch, it lacked the punch of the others. That said, Mateo just about killed me when he told Jane she had on her Michael face.

I liked that it flipped the traditional white person can't understand minority on its head trope.

I yelled no at my screen. Stop trafficking in alternative facts Jane, the beard is good. Save the beard.

I think this is it, but will anyone be good enough for her? Even though I mentioned being totally for Barry and Kara, would they work? Would Barry end up doing the same thing to Kara he does to Iris?

The actress is not, the character is supposed to be based on her comments at the bar once.