
I don't even know that it's the queer storyline vs. straight storylines, it's that they've tried to fit everyone in every episode. Kara's storylines are going to get more time because they feature Supergirl, but by giving every character, except James apparently, screen time every episode (he's not my favorite but if

I think Maggie acted normally, but it was both an abrupt reaction and an equally easy resolution. It was an incredibly weighty revelation that deserved more than the resolution it got. Which, frankly, is the same way they treat the Kara/Mon-El pairing. If they want people to invest in both relationships, they have to

A blog might be a far more appropriate outlet than a long-winded post on AV Club :)

I actually like Mon-El but I would be fine with Barry and Kara, leaving Iris with someone better too. I don't mind Iris and Barry, but given the way Barry treats Iris as a porcelain doll I'd be all about Iris finding someone who challenges her.

Oh I very much hope so. I was really enjoying his scene with Lyra before he mentioned it because I think there's a really nice setup there to explore the tensions aliens who can't pass as human face on Earth. Supergirl is amazing, but she looks human. With the introduction of the amnesty act this show has an

I hope so. It was one of the more likable Winn scenes, but it incenses me that a woman not liking a man back is even equated with breaking his heart. It's basically the only thing they did right with Mon-El last night was him saying ok I was an ass, I'm sorry, I screwed up, I hear you don't want to be with me, I

Jeremy Jordan is fine. Winn's line about having his heart stomped on a lot reminded me that they had Winn throw a hissy fit (and date her nemesis) because Kara didn't like him back and it made me angry again. If they were looking to drive home a reason not to hate Mon-El this episode, the fact that he didn't respond

Not saying I necessarily agree with the formula, but it's also the Zoe/Wade formula on Hart of Dixie and more or less the Veronica/Logan formula on Veronica Mars, this one just took an extra year of casting.

The Hamilton scene was all kinds of projection. Mon-El's you're not good enough for her, and Mxy fighting back well, actually, was a classic projection of his insecurities. Which, fine, but they could have dialed it down a bit.

Ehhh Oliver absolutely had issues with Felicity and Black Canary and what they can/cannot do. He doesn't have issues with all women, but women he has been involved with romantically (except Sarah) are often treated with kid gloves.

This episode sort of drove home that at an individual episode level Supergirl is good, it just has no real ability to generate a cohesive storyline for a whole season. And that's fine. It's not going to be the most compelling show, but I found the episode, like the ones before it, fun. It's a nice hour of television,

I also wondered about the like father, like son/like mother, like daughter set ups, with a source of conflict being the mystery behind Ziggy's father.

It was very reminiscent of New Girl's Banyon Canyon.

RIP Alan Rickman. May you rest easy knowing you won't have to be asked to do this.

Been a banner month for white dudes I don't want to watch in the first place being given primetime opportunities to yell at other. And by month I mean history of television.

Unless you're a Muslim American citizen that is.

I love that they brought it all back in to the loft in the end as Jess comes to tell Nick that Winston is letting everyone try on the bobcat costume. There's no denying the laugh-out-loud insanity factor of literally everyone who lives there—a fact Reagan states effectively last week when she points out that Nick

I'm sorry how does jealously acting out because your former step sister just isn't that into you not on the list? Not even Paul Rudd can save Clueless from it's creepy incestuous overtones.

He was a musical theater major apparently, but the reports are that he and Harewood crossover in non-singing roles. That seems to indicate they are important enough to the story to exist on their own without the gimmick, but who knows.

Kara gave Mon-El the speech Oliver gave Felicity the first time around about not thinking he could have it all so I'm hedging on they breakup by season's end when something rips them apart or Mon-El gets hurt (again) and Kara freaks, they move past difficulties in early S3, and the writers decide from there whether