
I think Mon-El's problem in part stems from narrator bias. We generally see the world through Kara's eyes and there's some underdeveloped hostilities and prejudices toward Daxamites which need to be further addressed because they feel very icky if you linger too long on them. Otherwise he's a guy in his mid/late-20s

Yup. She's a force, and while Ellis Ross is tremendous too, there's a show there without her, albeit a worse one, but one that can hold weight for a short time.

She hasn't been convicted yet, so maybe in her mind she's still technically free.

Maggie butting heads with Kara with regard to Lena seemed to foreshadow some difficulty between the two, which I'm all for. It doesn't have to seriously threaten the Maggie/Alex romance (I hope it doesn't anyways), but having someone outside the DEO throw a wrench into Supergirl's own brand of personally deciding who

I know the sins of the father, etc… is an over-utilized trope, but it's not that way without reason. Being skeptical of a person because her brother burned your best friend in attempt to destroy a species and whose mother has tried kill your other best friend in the last few months, when coupled with visual evidence,

This ranks as one of my favorite episodes of the show, and one in which I find myself again on the other side of much of the fandom: I want Lena to go bad. I want it to be complex and a slow burn, a descent into evil rather than a cliff jump, but the truth is on Earth there's just not that many believable nemeses for

Yes please! Given the time jump and the differing material in this episode, it was incredible to see each emotion and scene feel as natural to the character as the one before it. I can only imagine the emotional prep to go through each of those scenes on a tight turnaround schedule. She deserves way more recognition

I trust the writers of this show more implicitly than any I can remember. Everything about this episode felt right, which is incredibly impressive given the offing of a beloved main character in the previous episode. That scene with Petra and Jane near the end, everything with Alba, and the general way in which the

I think they had a formula for James and when they got the chance to move and change the show realized not many were feeling the love. So they screen-tested Wood, he oozes charm and his chemistry with Benoist is much better, and they just decided to try again with the same formula.

The Lena thing is so weird to me. She's the daughter of a woman who wants Supergirl dead and the sister of a guy who wants her cousin dead. Additionally, she invented a device to out aliens against their will, so while she doesn't actively want aliens dead, she doesn't care much for them. Kara could never be Supergirl

I'll miss Leal and M'gann, but I don't necessarily hate the decision. I think there's some basis for it, and it tightens up a fairly large supporting cast. That said, I liked her performance and tonight's bottle episode worked for me in exploring something that hasn't really been given proper room to breathe given its

It was one of those rare, both "competitors" in the love triangle were equally likable people who you could legitimately argue were good for the character.

The Democratic base wants them to go nuclear, the politicians themselves are less willing. Giving them an appointment who is to the right of Scalia after failing to even hear Garland is a no-brainer for the non-Manchin Dems. This lets them off the hook of having to consider a centrist they can live with.

Sure, why the hell not at this point.

I'd argue they've proved a lot, but that is definitely amongst the things they've proved most vociferously. Others include America's intense love of -isms, a thing we were warned about by a naked Matthew Broderick 31 years ago.

*Ducks head in shame* Didn't watch it.

One of us actively did something we didn't want to do. Guess which one?

Well yours is a lot harder for those in the comments section to avoid than you simply not doing something in the first place. One is passive and the other is active.

I think if the administration had any brains they'd nominate Hardiman, who is a much tougher pick to obstruct than Gorsuch, which would send Dems into a battle with constituents over approving any nominee.

We're just a few months from Ryan Seacrest hosting gladiator games at the soon-to-be gold leafed former RFK on Periscope.