
Other industries fear the crushing weight of facism, but fencing of all kinds is a pretty good bet for brokers.

I don't think Kara's ever been particularly good at romantic feelings. It's sort of her thing (and frankly it was Alex's too). There actually hasn't been a scene between Kara and another character since she learned Mon-El's true feelings. Her reaction when Eliza mentioned that Mon-El was into her was decidedly not

I am now infinitely more riveted than any scene with James/Winn.

Fine you win, me too. I'd probably take 10 minutes of grocery store deliberation over Winn and James pouting that despite all evidence to the contrary (having a copycat murder people, getting themselves beat up, getting captured, and facing exactly zero MAJOR threats) they don't really need Kara.

Even Mon-El suffered. I mean it's sort of been glossed over, but the guy did lose everyone he knew regardless about whether he's lying about being a palace guard.

I was a little confused by the whole he risked the lives of cops he'd just told to move in order to assist Supergirl who was literally tied up as the big bad. More people have been hurt or killed or by someone impersonating Guardian than Mon-El not holding a shield up for twenty minutes. The insubordination of

The healthiest relationships generally get the least screen time because a throwaway line about vegan ice cream is cute, but it's not a 40 minute plotline and frankly normal couples talk about banal stuff a lot.

Glad I'm not the only one who noticed the hypocrisy in Kara scolding Mon-El for helping her instead of shielding citizens (and it should be noted the citizen were armed cops), but then she was like welp I guess I'll just let this extremely dangerous villain go free. I feel like the second is far worse for the

Followup to this. You don't get to hold much moral high ground if you're doing so while leveling insults at a guy mostly because he's got a better chance with a girl than you.

At least this time the guy didn't throw a hissy fit and sulk off because a woman didn't feel the same way. Mon-El's reaction in trying to protect his own heart but respecting Kara's feelings actually solidified my belief that they should be together. Winn's response last season to Kara's rejection was so awful I still

Not to mention Mon-El's own compromised vision at the time, or the psychological manifestations created by emotions.

It does feature the men prominently but not in any sort of flattering light. I actually like that it spends some time focusing on the men so that when they falter it feels a little more deserved.

100 percent agree with all of this.

Here's the thing, being a superhero because it makes YOU feel good about yourself and YOU feel more like yourself isn't actually all that noble. It may be more noble than doing it for a girl, but there's at least a push/pull involved in the (probably still too quick) turn in Mon-El. I just kept thinking of the

It also seems like a blatant riff on HIMYM's olive theory.

So as New Girl continues toward a seventh season is it presumptuous to insist upon an Aly/Winston/Ferguson spinoff, because this needs to happen. Ferguson would obviously be in rotating formal wear.

As a white woman that's ok, generally so are we.


White men always gotta white men.

It's probably both, which is why I really don't want this to become Chris Wood's seemingly thousandth one season or less arc.