
I dunno, he was clearly really affected by the "incident" when he was being interviewed by Kara, Jon, and Alex in the chamber. I think Mon-El's thing is not really knowing how to be. He likes to party, but he also desperately wants to be loved and accepted, he just doesn't seem to be able to communicate it. It feels

Slow clapping while I bow.

I am unabashedly ecstatic about this, and it's taking a lot during these times to get me excited for things.

That line REALLY didn't sit well with me.

Yup! I get why it had to happen for Barry's relationship with Joe but I wish occasionally they'd pull back a little on the reminders.

Oh hey another soul who doesn't like Winn! But yes, absolutely, it's insane they left him alone on an alien planet.

In fairness, there are only three white dudes, and two were added this season. Supergirlverse seems large because they are constantly giving supporting characters seemingly main plot stories, but it's actually depressingly void of supporting cast.

It seems more like he's the poor man's Black Canary (Laurel version). Except his transformation has less heart at the center and his training was mostly offscreen. He was the smart love interest who was moved on from (mostly because they lacked chemistry), that they like having around so they added something for them

Another reason for a Superman reboot? In all honesty it was Winn, not James, that made me want to attack the screen this episode. James was fine, he's got a great, very natural smile and laugh; it's his serious stuff that lacks for me—which is all they usually give him.

I didn't even realize I had a girl crush on Caity Lotz or any inclination to watch LoT until I saw the promo last night with her insanely amazing coat and now I might watch just for that.

I know the Kara/Mon-El pairing isn't always loved in the fandom but I think it's great. I love the give and take, and their chemistry and banter is so easy and fluid that I think if they actually do couple them it'll serve as nice background fodder rather than randomly forcing Kara to care about guys. Which she does,

Pretty much. Plus, this show is a million people running around yelling ok, go! Mon-El had the mix of both ok, Kara's in trouble, I can't leave her, and ok Kara, yes people are in danger, but maybe we should take approximately 30 seconds to figure out if we can even help them, or how to best do that.

Maybe they were? I mean Mon-El was actually to fight someone in the first scene on Slaver's Moon and that's barely possible on Earth normally.

Lavon Hayes. I realize Zoe starts out as the lead, but Lemon/Lavon are the last wedding shown in HoD and get equal screen time in the fourth season. Lavon in no way lacks swagger, is the mayor, and is the object of affection (true love) for Lemon/her best friend/and her arch rival.

And Iris and Eddie (which ended, obviously, but she really did love him). I think this is what makes me feel ok with Kara/Mon-El so soon (because I am actually totally on board with it). The same group is so good about writing really good interracial and LGBTQ relationships, that these two actors have much more

Definitely would have been a helpful reminder then, as without the eugenics parallel it does start to get a little questionable.

I can't honestly remember if that line was in the recap of last week at the beginning, but it definitely wouldn't have hurt to include it, or maybe reinforce it in J'onn's talk with Kara.

Ehhh this is the first thing I think I've had a hard time with his performance in (though to be fair I was barely paying attention to DH by his turn), and I actually really did like his scenes with Lucy. I think there was an initial rush to make Kara and James Clark and Lois, and it didn't fit, so when they switched

It's literally turning him white. Look at it as forcibly (as the genetic engineering of white martian blood was intended) turning a person of color into a white person in order to erase people of color off the Earth. M'gann herself may feel conflicted about this, and may very well have complied because she felt J'onn

Positive. I don't think the actors lack chemistry, but they set up James as this protector figure sent by Clark to watch over Kara. It's generally a hard trope for me to get behind—the woman falling in love with the man sent to protect her. They really do seem more comfortable as friends instead of part of a forced