
So in other words, Antonio Brown’s business is booming.

It blew my mind the first time I saw the outside of the building. Inside (and when they were drawing well), it looked like this awesome little purpose built state of the art wrestling arena. Then you see the outside and read the history, and you realize that it’s actually just a tin shed with a bunch of benches that

Maybe, and I know I’m going out on a limb here, but maybe he shouldn’t be DM’ing women with whom he is not married. I know, in 2017 faithfulness is so taboo. He created this mess. These are the consequences.

Or, just hang out with your wife and kids. That seems appropriate here.

You fail to mention that in Australia, the horses run clockwise around the track.

Proposing at a sporting event is so tacky

What, did someone dip his fries in a milkshake?

As an old hockey fighter let me explain. Fighting is a part of the game always has been, and the job is to hold people accountable. The fighter is often the most well liked guy on the team. Let me tell you about one time in Saskatoon in the 80s. There was a big game the next day against our hated rivals from Swift

i have a lead: the crook’s name rhymes with “bartavis mryant”

Olive what you did there.


Peterson has said that there are no hard feelings. In fact, the Saints extended an olive branch that he subsequently beat his child with.

Yer DISRESPTTIN’ ‘MURICA iffin’ y’ain’t usin’ a British drinkin’ tune t’sing ‘bout ‘em kickin’ the shit outta us!

Also pretty gross: People who clip their fingernails at their desks.

How can you tell if someone’s a volunteer firefighter?

“We’re sorry we were caught charging $4.50 for tap water. In the future, we will conceal it in Dasani bottles like Coca-cola already does.”

Should have drank more water.

CTE didn’t kill Aaron Hernandez, Aaron Hernandez killed Aaron Hernandez.

Grotto’s is definitely a Delmarva thing. There are no Grotto’s Pizza places in or around Philly.

Ironically, that girl’s burn is hot enough to melt steel beams.