
This I can agree with. Actual character growth happened for almost everyone. Cap took up Iron Man’s original position and Iron Man took up Cap’s original position. Cap has a pretty justifiable problem with authority right now but Iron Man is also justified in questioning the Avengers authority as a whole when the

I liked that there was also a real modern world reality that Tony and Natasha faced that Steve couldn’t. It was going to happen. I’d be surprised if it isn’t brought up in AoS or the Panther movie. Captain America can’t just barge into every country and do what he wants to maybe save some people. Cap is an idealist.

I felt bad for Cap initially but the second half of the movie is so clearly more about him saving Bucky at all costs that I couldn’t get behind his morality anymore. Cap was right and Iron Man was right but they were also both wrong in how they went about it. I also thought Clint could go screw himself for blaming

I mean I assumed when I was watching that there would just be conspiracy theories on how one of the greatest minds of the time died. That just seems like a natural rumor. Maybe Stark was murdered and Zemo figures that if proof of that is anywhere it’s with Hydra. Or that he was looking for information on their

Except Cap ended up being a becoming a pawn based on his own personal moral judgement where Bucky is concerned.

This is where I took issue, too. It’s clear that he would sacrifice all for Bucky. I’m glad Tony got that clap back at Clint’s outburst.

I demand a 90's girl band sequel. Scary Spice can be the new Michonne.

My Mom nearly hangs up on me when my Fiancee is home. She thinks she’s interrupting personal time and we’re just playing video games or something. She also refuses to go into our bedroom.

I’ve never really considered Time Lords as time cops. They sort of float around and get into shenanigans or shenanigans find them. Sometimes they’re actually connected to a point in history in a cool way. The general rules of time travel apply. Similar but not the exact same or a knock off version.

Now playing

Because this feels like a safe space I’m going to admit to playing the Playstation video game and beating it. And that is that.

I think it was more about punishment for Moira ejecting them from his life. Otherwise, why let him see the kid at all? When friends of Oliver Queen get killed/hurt often and it’s really your child’s safety at risk I would expect her to say no. Also, on show where every season they have beaten us over the head with

This. My future inlaws just came to visit a few weeks back and the front door to their airbnb broke three days into their trip. Not to mention the guy listed laundry on his page and then proceeded to try and charge them to use it. At any rate he told them that it wouldn’t be fixed until after they left so they should

Pfffft LaGuardia. Grossest airport ever.

He can still be fully Asian and be an outsider. Raised outside of the culture and feeling a disconnect. Personally, I know I would feel a connection to that character. I have plenty of Asian -American friends who feel that way. They were raised in a predominantly western culture and when they interact with their

I’m probably going to get dragged for saying this but whatever. I’ve been a longtime watcher of the soap opera General Hospital. It’s had it’s dalliances with sci-fi and it free me in as a kid watching with my Mother and Grandmother. The hoops this show jumps through to keep characters verges on insanity. Even soaps

This right here. I also don’t understand the argument that there are also other obnoxious things or people in the same place. In a theater or at an event they are subject to the same types of rules and get asked to leave.

I’m actually way more afraid of white liberal racism than conservative racism. I know what I’m getting with the latter. The former usually comes from supposed allies who think they’re helping but really aren’t.

This is why I have no illusions about being a black female writer/producer going into trying to produce my first film. I’m not being hostile I’m just prepared for the loads and loads of bullshit coming towards me.

This is where I’m at. I’m sending out invitations at 6 months out-maybe earlier because neither of our families are wealthy nor do they all live close by. RSVPs are due 3 months before the wedding. And we’re calling people for final check ins and stuff. I think the couple were assholes for the invoice but I think that

This. And there are a fair share of bad Noir movies but quality matters. Bashing me over the head trying to tell me how grim and dark and gritty your story is just makes me not care.