
So fucking good, thank you

And honestly, you can write this on every single NBA article and it makes sense somehow.

Confirmed. I’ve seen Trailer Park Boys.

Holy shit, I think you might have actually figured this out!

Isn’t that literally the basis of the entire re-sentencing mentioned in the article???

Does Drew Drunk Drive?!?!?

Tyson jokes are very rarely funny, but you’ve done it! Well done.

My morning commute is literally less than 100 feet, and I’m still trying to convince myself I don’t need this.”

Humblebrag of the year! Do you live in the office break-room???

My morning commute is literally less than 100 feet, and I’m still trying to convince myself I don’t need this.”


Where was DH defended?

It’s possible that there are no winners in this situation

So gay dudes can’t have grit or....? Doesn’t compute.

Plenty of straight dudes out there with no grit...

Like what, exactly?

“I find it funny that you also forgot to mention she coincidentally has a book for sale too.”

Maybe that’s on purpose 

Agreed. Pretty surprising given their previous stances butchering him...


Great article Dave! I know nothing about the subject matter, but it was engrossing anyway!

You know alta vista was real right?

New Jersey embraced the blue wave fully too!

Only one GOP congressman remains, after we ousted 5-6 of them in the midterm.

I mean, is he also almost 7'?

Never in a million years would I expect a Suzanne Vega joke to come out of Deadspin.

You sir are a treasure. This place is great.


+2 awesome boobs

Because then they have to make two teams...