
Shut your Gerber trap, kid, the grownups are talking.

Consoles aren't cars or kitchen utensils. When the landscape shifts, you shift with it or get left with whatever garbage gets thrown out back for the hobos to sift through. Or, another way to look at it: Do you turn to trepanation when you have a headache or do you take an aspirin? Do you let Granpaw Pawpepaw install

Doesn't mean you're a dick. It does mean you suck them, everyday. And each day, a different pair of dicks. Because you have no shame.

It's ok to steal anything as long as you aren't caught.

I don't hate minecraft because of its hideous aesthetics, I hate it because of its shitbag playerbase.

Ugh, I wish I could find a video game new outlet that didn't have Christians and other religious people making it all nasty up in here.

I will never dress decently at airports or anywhere else. Among the countless monoliths of artifice humanity has constructed, approved clothing is one of the easiest to mock and is surprisingly effective at ruffling some of the most sub-animal individuals among a species of sub-animals. Basketball shorts and wrinkled

I love giving people negative feedback!

I'm just pissed off games were still considered dorky when I was in high school. If I were in high school now I'd be getting so much pussy. And the cannabis?! I would be getting mad pussy and smoking high-potency bud while I participated in an activity that tons of other, pussy-poppin, dank tokin' homeboys and

The problem with MOS is that it's a Superman movie, and Superman is awfully lame.


Critical thought comes from being able to detach oneself emotionally from the subject being discussed.

I found who got emotionally scarred by Brazilian pre-teens.

Not as goofy as big sweaty mans kicking a ball around over a patch of grass that people painted lines and numbers on.

God damn, I hate children.

First you people requisition Mithra and now this! Monsters, the whole lot of you.

Sometimes prejudice is the correct response. For example against murderers, rapists, pedophiles, and christians prejudice is perfectly acceptable; in fact, preferable.

Get off our internet and go back to your churches, you god damn monster.

Wow, JWCT, wow. You are truly a near sighted dumb-dumb.