Danny Boxcutter McCain

I can say it's a great point because all three players made a choice to control where they played football.  He didn't want to play for a team that had fucked him over.  Elway and Manning didn't want to play for teams regarded as shitty (I can't speak to the Chargers, but God and everyone else knows the Colts blew

Great point about Bo (who was also covered in a great 30 For 30 documentary).

No doubt.  I don't think it's as bad as (possibly) using what happened to someone who's still alive in order to develop a character, but Sorkin (at least since the West Wing) works best with someone to rein him in.

Of course Sorkin thinks the Troy Davis execution was an injustice.  Six to five and pick 'em the man know fuck-all about the case, or why the "recantations" weren't recantations in any meaningful way.

You believe in universal right and wrong, yet you refuse to provide any foundation for them.  To blatantly steal from Bentham, it's nonsense built on stilts.  It's a gut feeling, no more or less valid than anyone else's gut feeling that right and wrong are cultural

I don't know why you think that Indonesia admitting an individual or an organization committed genocide would prevent Indonesia from seeing that individual or organization as a hero (or heroes).

The only values less native to Indonesia than massacring Communists are Communism and democracy.  The PKI didn't have some great national foundation for its theory; it saw the Russian Revolution as its model.

My opinion of what Indonesian culture thinks about rape and murder: I don't have such an opinion, because I don't care about Indonesian culture (or the Indonesian people, assuming "Indonesian" is an identity that has much value).

I didn't conflate "not wanting your 14 year-old raped" with "not wanting to rape your 14 year-old".  I said that wanting your offspring to not be raped didn't equal caring if someone else's offspring were raped.

I'd like you to define rape and murder without recourse to the word wrong, or at least with an explanation of what wrong means.

I don't know why you'd give up on everything just because certain values aren't cross-cultural.  Limit contact with cultures that don't share your values, sure, but don't give up on everything.

Nope.  I take my cultural relativism seriously, unlike most Westerners.  I could tell you why every Western argument against female genital mutilation is irrelevant to the cultures that practice it.

If we're talking not wanting your 14 year-old (where "your" means a person you have some connection to) raped, that's probably universal.  As far as I can tell, Congo wasn't raping his 14 year-old; he was raping someone else's.  Preying on strangers is probably as

I don't know how useful a Western concept of monstrousness is when you're critiquing a non-Western culture.  Different strokes for different folks and all that.  I find their honesty rather refreshing.

Maybe they are heroes to the average Indonesian.  I also wonder what exactly they should be getting.

Good point.

Congo's Guevara without a t-shirt (or an ideology that college students want to claim).  The Chinese population of southeast Asia wasn't terribly popular then (it's not terribly popular now); Sukarno's supporters overplayed their hand.  I also love the reviewer's apparent belief that the people of Indonesia want these

Goddammit, sir (or madam), quick being better at Internet than me.

Agreed.  This sort of headline belongs on Slate.

I yield the floor.