Mark Hague

I love that they kept it a surprise, I wonder if they intentionally used the Blackwater attention to misdirect (I guess only one person needed to know about this ending to, the guy playing Samwell, so easy to keep it  a secret). One of the few times I've genuinely been caught out by something and when it pulled back

I love that they kept it a surprise, I wonder if they intentionally used the Blackwater attention to misdirect (I guess only one person needed to know about this ending to, the guy playing Samwell, so easy to keep it  a secret). One of the few times I've genuinely been caught out by something and when it pulled back

Seriously bitchy review here, that was a goddamn excellent hour of television and that final scene gave me chills (heyo, but literally). I don't read the books so I didn't know that was coming, that was great.

Seriously bitchy review here, that was a goddamn excellent hour of television and that final scene gave me chills (heyo, but literally). I don't read the books so I didn't know that was coming, that was great.

The wizard doesn't know that Danerys is fire proof, noone believes that except those that saw it. The last thing you would expect in that situation is her setting herself on fire to get at him.

The wizard doesn't know that Danerys is fire proof, noone believes that except those that saw it. The last thing you would expect in that situation is her setting herself on fire to get at him.

Well I wouldn't say they have a relationship where they trust each other but I would say that have a …kinship I guess. Varys and Littlefinger respect each others resourcefulness but clearly loathe each other, Varys and Littlefinger enjoy their roles and seem to respect each others roles and intelligence. It's a

Well I wouldn't say they have a relationship where they trust each other but I would say that have a …kinship I guess. Varys and Littlefinger respect each others resourcefulness but clearly loathe each other, Varys and Littlefinger enjoy their roles and seem to respect each others roles and intelligence. It's a

She can since he informed her bout Sansa's period. But I doubt he was ordered there to deal with Bronn. She almost certainly must have commanded that Kingsguard to kill Tyrion though, Joffrey had other things on his mind at the time and only ordered them to obey Tyrion.

She can since he informed her bout Sansa's period. But I doubt he was ordered there to deal with Bronn. She almost certainly must have commanded that Kingsguard to kill Tyrion though, Joffrey had other things on his mind at the time and only ordered them to obey Tyrion.

I don't get where you get that Varys loathes Tyrion. They seem to have what two men who don't trust anyone could potentially call friendship. They don't trust each other but they respect each other and seem capable of holding a cordial discussion without one-upsmanship. Where is the loathing?

I don't get where you get that Varys loathes Tyrion. They seem to have what two men who don't trust anyone could potentially call friendship. They don't trust each other but they respect each other and seem capable of holding a cordial discussion without one-upsmanship. Where is the loathing?

Well it might be getting into too graphic a discussion but I was under the impression she was doing a Linda Lovelace. I can't imagine what else was being implied by her attendance at a Versace after party. Yelling and Karaoke don't seem to make sense, and given Chloe's relatively care free sexual exploration lifestyle…

Well it might be getting into too graphic a discussion but I was under the impression she was doing a Linda Lovelace. I can't imagine what else was being implied by her attendance at a Versace after party. Yelling and Karaoke don't seem to make sense, and given Chloe's relatively care free sexual exploration lifestyle…

If you listen to the way she says it, she is basically mocking June's belief that she blew out her larynx by woohooing too much while discussing the difficulty in keeping up with Chloe's wild life. I don't think she genuinely blew out her larynx by woohooing, she's being sarcastic. June's face afterwards highlights

If you listen to the way she says it, she is basically mocking June's belief that she blew out her larynx by woohooing too much while discussing the difficulty in keeping up with Chloe's wild life. I don't think she genuinely blew out her larynx by woohooing, she's being sarcastic. June's face afterwards highlights

Was surprised that Emily didn't pick up on that, very subtle joke that she blew out her larynx basically servicing people orally (at least that is what I took from it). There were a couple of those this episode, that if you get you're like "woah how did that get in?", but otherwise fly under the radar.

Was surprised that Emily didn't pick up on that, very subtle joke that she blew out her larynx basically servicing people orally (at least that is what I took from it). There were a couple of those this episode, that if you get you're like "woah how did that get in?", but otherwise fly under the radar.

That was my interpretation too, he can't do anything based on his theory because then he will probably be put to death. If he can say that Caster is sacrificing to the White Walkers, that's a bit different.

Way to imprint without actually reading the comment. They should hire the funniest people, not just hire someone who isn't funny because they meet an arbitrary specification. Whether they are white, black, brown or polka dot doesn't matter, they need to be funny/talented, otherwise you end up with a Seth Meyers and a