Mark Hague

Have you never seen Fight Club? Normal citizens avoid will try to avoid conflict at all costs until pushed too far. A random guy dumping stuff on you is a "wha?" situation, not an instantly turn around and start gunning people down situation. I know most Americans like to think that in every crisis they will pull out

I am starting a rumor that he has an addiction to having his temperature taken.

I've only been watching regularly for the last 2 seasons but I don't think I've ever seen a host with such a complete lack of character and talent for that job.

Eh, I never watched the Sopranos so it was lost on me, but it didn't seem to be hitting with the audience either which sucked some of the life out of it. And I liked Hader throwing a tantrum, what can I say. Time for a new Stephon though.

He was not, I thought he was because you see those old school sketches and he is in a tonne of them and his style is so fitting to SNL, but amazingly he was just a frequent guest.

I didn't even know that Catfish existed, which isn't a good start parodying something people don't watch, but it's also like a decade old joke about people on the net not really being the ripped super model they claim to be.

20 years from now, people will think Tom Hanks was a part of the cast like Steve Martin.

Surprised you liked the Sopranos thing, it overall seemed pretty lazy with a few good moments. Kind of like putting the Jingling Keys show on in front of a baby kind of lazy comedy. The rest was dire and Bieber from all accounts is a giant douche famous for the most forgettable songs imaginable whose memory will die

I tried reading the review but the gay panic panic got old fast.

Think it just said he killed  them in under 2 minutes which is probably the time it takes before t hose other guards join the shift who found the bodies.

My mistake, she reviews or reviewed something I watch though. Damn you Guendelsberger!

You do the A23 reviews yes? It was just a joke because you kept bringing up cancellation. Genuinely saddened, its the first genuinely funny show I've found in many years. I'm not sure on the technical details but I hope it can find life on a better station.

Technically it's out of the Kevin Williamson playbook, its what he did with Drew Barrymore in Scream.

He knows Caroll, its explicitly why he is involved with the case, and he thought Caroll wanted him to come alone. He is more interested in saving the girl than himself so he goes. Back up was following anyway so you can presume he expected them shortly behind but to give him enough time to try and save the kidnapped

The C is low and typical AV Club fare, I found it interesting and equally disturbing. I wasn't expecting Grace's character to be killed, I expected her to be the plucky expert witness who regains control of her life as the series progresses.

I didn't know Spike Lee posted on the AV Club.

Remember kids, any sketch not making fun of white people is by default racist.

The rude waitress was terrible, like Lawrence's delivery was fine and her long bowing walk out was great, but it never built to anything, she was just being a dick to these two particular customers and when called on it the manager squirts them with whip cream.

I was distracted during the goodbyes by that damn hippy walking about with no shoes or socks on, on the legendary SNL stage on live TV. Have respect Hippy!

Definitely an A episode, probably one of the best episodes of the series.