Mark Hague

Most of the cast have been there since at least 2005, some since 2001. Only Abby Elliott and Nasim Pedrad have joined the Main Cast since 2008.

Yes, they should hire to fill imaginary quotas instead of hiring to fill the funny.

It wasn't. Rowan seems to be constantly projecting on this series, criticizing it for not being what he expects it to be rather than judging it on what is actually being presented.

Maybe he forgot, like with the dog.

It was an A- at worst.

Such an amazing episode, again the best of the night. So many funny elements, call backs and setups that see a pay off and a fantastic ending.

I didn't realize Neill was that old, I thought the character was meant to be in his 50's until this episode where they kept mentioning that he had waited 50 years for Lucy.

So is Hauser meant to be 70? He must be around at least 20 back in 1963.

The Fart-Break Hotel, Big Trouble in Little Langley, White Rice, Wife Insurance,  any Fran episode is generally a good episode.

That's not a two parter, it was a subplot taking advantage of the altered status quo. If Jeff and Hayley had a subplot in a later episode of them selling realistic and unrealistic wolf masks, would that be considered the third part?

I think the notable thing about AD is that even if it isn't wall to wall hilarity, it's never bad or insulting. Current Simpsons ranges from maybe one laugh to being actively insulting either to your intelligence or better quality episodes from it's earlier years. FG can just be outright bad and not interesting.

Andy Samberg might hold the record for most voice roles in a single episode here. I'm sure I heard him on like 6 characters, including the Hobo, the restaurant manager and the Hambuger Burglar. I think the black lady in the Free Clinic too.

There was no two part episode and I seriously doubt that marrying Jeff and Hayley was used as a ratings stunt.

It's hard to say. Us watching Lincoln kill Jonas is "live", Emmet's version is the recorded one.

I just realized the detective is Harvey Birdman.

No, it's just acknowledging that they've done a Dog story before, but also harking back to Stan's selective memory concerning things. One of them was an episode where he was all "Lying is wrong! I would know that if I'd ever paid attention to anything that happened to me ever"

@Duck, agree on Hurricane, Hurricane was so funny and had probably the best gag of the season when Buckle had to tranq Stan, the Bear, and the Shark because he didn't know who was doing the most damage. Agree with Virtual In-Stanity too. In fact I agree with Wrestler and Klaustus too, I dunno how the Wrestler got a C,

You don't hate it, you've given out A's, just not enough to mesh with the quality they're putting out, while overcompensating with bob's Burgers.

B+?  So many quality, quotable, memorable episodes this season, whole lotta B's you've given out.

Should just have "Enjoyed", "Didn't Enjoy", "Neutral", or some equivalent. Is something worth watching or was it bad?