Mark Hague

Julian was the leader of Bilko's gang. I don't know who Bubbles was playing but he certainly wasn't using his TPB voice, I assumed he was the leader of the real mounties.

You really, really, realllllllllly need to stop going on about the caricatures. It is how they are writing the characters, that isn't changing, and it makes it seem like you need something to really gripe about each episode since it is generally your major complaint. Move on.

You could say that about Jon Lithgow after 3rd Rock, you'd think he would be too lovably clumsy to pull it off. A good actor can and to be fair, Hanks has sometimes which makes me think its a lot more down to the bad writing with stuff like "Hello whore" and that ridiiculous BEAST painting that is at fault.

And Dexter has never been awful. Its been bad, mostly Miguel Prado, but it has been decent if always requiring a cop out ending to fix everything. This season has been from start to finish terrible. Absolutely abysmal, were it any other show and this was its first season it would be cancelled.

Have the people who are PRO Dex/Deb ever watched this show? It is so goddamn ridiculous and awful and if it happens I am done with this show. Dex will never do it but Deb shouldn't be feeling that way either, she has always shown nothing but strong familial love for the only family she has left. That was never

Poor review, I laughed harder at this than any other episode of the season. I still am laughing at some things today when I think about them like Greg's "The man has been identified as-oh for god's sake- Stan Smith". It was a nice tie in to Hurricane where Buckle didn't know who to shoot between the Shark, Bear and

I can agree with this. Every review needs to repeat how no one is a real person and everyone talks with a speech and so forth.

To manage to squander the good will of 5 seasons (even if 5 was weak) in only one takes a special kind of show runner. If he is still running it next season, I'm not gonna be following.

The idea isn't that the story will just disappear but that they want to ride out the initial anger/interest until something else happens. Like how Farrah Fawcett died, then Michael Jackson died. It still happened but people are too busy paying attention to this thing over here.  Then, if he can survive to election, he

Kane has a degenerative disease but he has years ahead of him and he is taking lots of medication normal people cannot get to help with the condition. It doesn't make him stupid, and he is where he is because he is a master of what he does. It's silly to question that he can outsmart them, which he didn't, he gave it

I don't think she is responsible for that as she had no relationship with Zajac before this episode and getting Kane out of office would leave her out of power as well, so it isn't in her interests.

I don't understand how this show keeps getting lowish scores here, I've been finding it fascinating, although I too roll my eyes at the gratuitous sex in every single episode. Every single one.

You need to not review American Dad if you rate this a B-.  It was the funniest episode the series has ever had.