Jake Crites

AP World History is a snare and a racket. Watch that TV! Rage against the machine!

AP World History is a snare and a racket. Watch that TV! Rage against the machine!

"I'm just Jeff's dumb gay dad."
Pretty great Britta ep, but not my all-time favorite. That honor goes to Geography, actually. When she traps herself in a cage with a globe covered in red paint to prove that she can still rage against the machine…oh man. Priceless.

"I'm just Jeff's dumb gay dad."
Pretty great Britta ep, but not my all-time favorite. That honor goes to Geography, actually. When she traps herself in a cage with a globe covered in red paint to prove that she can still rage against the machine…oh man. Priceless.

This is a classic, if you ask me. I was a fan from minute one of this show, but this is the one where I felt like they really had something more than simply "good" when it came to these characters. The film that Abed makes is heartbreaking, and it's still one of the most emotionally resonant moments in the whole show.

This is a classic, if you ask me. I was a fan from minute one of this show, but this is the one where I felt like they really had something more than simply "good" when it came to these characters. The film that Abed makes is heartbreaking, and it's still one of the most emotionally resonant moments in the whole show.

Completely off topic, but: the new Walkmen album is amazing and everyone should listen to it.

Completely off topic, but: the new Walkmen album is amazing and everyone should listen to it.

Great analysis of an incredibly under-appreciated episode.

Great analysis of an incredibly under-appreciated episode.

This one is great. I am now obsessed with the idea that they don't even have to be nouns. 
Giggles and Plunging.

This one is great. I am now obsessed with the idea that they don't even have to be nouns. 
Giggles and Plunging.

There needs to be a Perd Hapley/Community cross over. He would fit right in that universe.

There needs to be a Perd Hapley/Community cross over. He would fit right in that universe.

I think Britta will almost definitely be dumbed-down, or at least changed. It's got to be really friggin' difficult to write for her, and Harmon said he identified with her the most, so I'm thinking he was the biggest well of character development the writers drew from.

I think Britta will almost definitely be dumbed-down, or at least changed. It's got to be really friggin' difficult to write for her, and Harmon said he identified with her the most, so I'm thinking he was the biggest well of character development the writers drew from.

I need to get into this "give the new guys funny names" game anyway, so let's make it a contest.  Sorry if this has been done. But not that sorry. There's 9,000 comments, I ain't siftin' through 'em all!
Go-Juice and Pill-Popper.
Gilbert and Pennyworth.
Grandad and Papaw.
Gutso and Pasadena.
Phil Hartman and the

I need to get into this "give the new guys funny names" game anyway, so let's make it a contest.  Sorry if this has been done. But not that sorry. There's 9,000 comments, I ain't siftin' through 'em all!
Go-Juice and Pill-Popper.
Gilbert and Pennyworth.
Grandad and Papaw.
Gutso and Pasadena.
Phil Hartman and the

The one with the beautiful girlfriend and weirdly specific drink order? I'll keep a…heh…EYE on him.

The one with the beautiful girlfriend and weirdly specific drink order? I'll keep a…heh…EYE on him.