Jake Crites

People trash Lindelof, but he has a wonderful sense of humor about how much he divides people.

People trash Lindelof, but he has a wonderful sense of humor about how much he divides people.

Couldn't disagree more with How Did This Get Made being in "the others" category. It was spot-on this week, and what's with complaining about the choice to do Speed 2? Have you ever SEEN that movie? It begs to be discussed.

Couldn't disagree more with How Did This Get Made being in "the others" category. It was spot-on this week, and what's with complaining about the choice to do Speed 2? Have you ever SEEN that movie? It begs to be discussed.

That's the best way I know of to get everyone to touch each others hips.

That's the best way I know of to get everyone to touch each others hips.

Feeling a bit stabby, are we?

Feeling a bit stabby, are we?



The best part was when his car got blown up with Gillian Jacobs inside after he went through all that trouble to put money in the meter.

The best part was when his car got blown up with Gillian Jacobs inside after he went through all that trouble to put money in the meter.

It is absolute sacrilege that Improv4Humans hasn't been mentioned in the past few weeks. That show is absolutely on fire. Last week's episode with Adam McCay and Chris Gethard is one of the funniest hours of podcasting I've ever heard.  

It is absolute sacrilege that Improv4Humans hasn't been mentioned in the past few weeks. That show is absolutely on fire. Last week's episode with Adam McCay and Chris Gethard is one of the funniest hours of podcasting I've ever heard.  

"Bro, you know what'd be like, a hilarious idea for a movie? So it's like we have this big teddy bear, and he's all cute and whatever, but then he says, like, THE DIRTIEST STUFF! I mean having a cute talking animal say dirty stuff…no WAY that can fail! On a completely unrelated note I just found this movie called

"Bro, you know what'd be like, a hilarious idea for a movie? So it's like we have this big teddy bear, and he's all cute and whatever, but then he says, like, THE DIRTIEST STUFF! I mean having a cute talking animal say dirty stuff…no WAY that can fail! On a completely unrelated note I just found this movie called

This show could not have turned out any better, really. They managed to capture the tone of the podcast while still making it feel very much like its own thing.

This show could not have turned out any better, really. They managed to capture the tone of the podcast while still making it feel very much like its own thing.

LOST has the best ending to any TV show ever. BAM!

LOST has the best ending to any TV show ever. BAM!