Jake Crites

The only ones I feel you've under-rated are Geography and Horror Fiction—the latter of which has become one of my all-time favorites on repeat viewings. (GAY MARRIAGE! *swings chainsaw*). Geography is pure pizza, sure, but it's darn good slice.

The only ones I feel you've under-rated are Geography and Horror Fiction—the latter of which has become one of my all-time favorites on repeat viewings. (GAY MARRIAGE! *swings chainsaw*). Geography is pure pizza, sure, but it's darn good slice.

I'm so pumped. This episode is going to womp up my jams. I just know it!

I'm so pumped. This episode is going to womp up my jams. I just know it!

Also great is Annie's brief attempt at a Christian Bale impression which is interrupted by sobbing after she broke Abed's Dark Knight DVD. Annie made some hilarious noises in that episode.

Also great is Annie's brief attempt at a Christian Bale impression which is interrupted by sobbing after she broke Abed's Dark Knight DVD. Annie made some hilarious noises in that episode.

"Chops busted, fellow adult. Chops busted."
"It was awesome, but also, it wasn't?"
"Jeff: Do you even know what an analogy is:

"Chops busted, fellow adult. Chops busted."
"It was awesome, but also, it wasn't?"
"Jeff: Do you even know what an analogy is:

Alright, let's lighten the mood here. Favorite Season 3 quotes. Go.
My current favorite is "Love is not admissible evidence."

Alright, let's lighten the mood here. Favorite Season 3 quotes. Go.
My current favorite is "Love is not admissible evidence."

There's always one.

There's always one.

…Man. I really can't believe Sudeikis is leaving. He elevated every sketch he was in, no matter how small the role. It's a shame he never got a huge hit, but he'll go down as one of the best roll-players the show has ever had.

…Man. I really can't believe Sudeikis is leaving. He elevated every sketch he was in, no matter how small the role. It's a shame he never got a huge hit, but he'll go down as one of the best roll-players the show has ever had.

How did I not know that Kristen Wiig was leaving SNL until this exact moment?

How did I not know that Kristen Wiig was leaving SNL until this exact moment?

I found this to be the case as well. Studies in Modern Movement didn't work for me at all the first time around, but after watching it again with a view of the whole Season in my head it ended up being one of my favorites.

I found this to be the case as well. Studies in Modern Movement didn't work for me at all the first time around, but after watching it again with a view of the whole Season in my head it ended up being one of my favorites.

Signed. Does this really already have 1,000 sigs? That's wrinking my brain.

Signed. Does this really already have 1,000 sigs? That's wrinking my brain.