Jake Crites

That would be awesome! Go right ahead.

That would be awesome! Go right ahead.

By the way, you're all wrong: the best laugh of the night was the officer setting down his coffee cup and saying
"Thanks for the hot water."

By the way, you're all wrong: the best laugh of the night was the officer setting down his coffee cup and saying
"Thanks for the hot water."

Great user name!
Did you love watching 8-Bit Gus adjust his glasses nonstop during Digital Estate Planning?

Great user name!
Did you love watching 8-Bit Gus adjust his glasses nonstop during Digital Estate Planning?

Honestly wouldn't be at all surprised if IFC offered him a show. They seem to be willing to take risks on shows from respected comedians who create stuff with a very niche audience appeal (Todd Margaret, Portlandia, the new Comedy Bang Bang show), and they need more original programming anyway.

Honestly wouldn't be at all surprised if IFC offered him a show. They seem to be willing to take risks on shows from respected comedians who create stuff with a very niche audience appeal (Todd Margaret, Portlandia, the new Comedy Bang Bang show), and they need more original programming anyway.

This is, I think no matter how quality Season 4 is (and for all we know, it'll be great), the end of an era. Community is almost definitely the most ambitious sitcom of the past decade, and arguably the best. These three episodes embody everything great about this crazy show: insane concepts, dead-on parody, stellar

This is, I think no matter how quality Season 4 is (and for all we know, it'll be great), the end of an era. Community is almost definitely the most ambitious sitcom of the past decade, and arguably the best. These three episodes embody everything great about this crazy show: insane concepts, dead-on parody, stellar

When this first aired the episode really didn't work for me. But I'm going back through the season before the finale now and…wow, this might be one of my favorites of the year. Going through the season and watching the whole thing (largely) uninterrupted makes me appreciate the amount of layering

Magical episode. I've got to give credit where credit is due: this show doesn't fear change. From a big cast change-up at the end of Season 2 (leading into Season 3) and the season-long arc of 4 that took place almost completely outside of the parks department, the show seems to be saving itself from the "Office"

Except that Revolver IS the greatest Beatles album.
Yep. It's happening. Again.

I'm thinkin' there's a plan. Wouldn't be surprised if the whole thing was orchestrated by Laybourne for nefarious…nefariousness, and he's only making Chang THINK that he's in charge so he has a fall guy. I think his ability to completely tear apart Troy and Abed's friendship (if only temporarily) was foreshadowing

Thank you, Grace. I think you're wrong.

Oh yeah. Even his cold open was great. "Quick, Reggie, to the time ship! We're running out of…space!" And when he tapped the officer's badge…good stuff.

And this is the episode where Community became my favorite comedy since Arrested Development. Wow. What a show. First of all, on a joke-to-joke basis, this was the funniest episode of an already spectacular season. Second, it started to bring together all the elements of the season that never quite worked—namely,

The US Office has possibly the most disappointing arc of any comedy in television history. It started as one of the best, smartest comedies on TV, with one of the all-time great television relationships in Jim and Pam. Now it's THIS. I can't even talk about it without getting seriously depressed. It's just awful now.