
I’m mostly asking, how the hell did it take so long to get the idea of just putting the Predator against badasses from different eras? Hopefully we’ll now get a whole bunch of movies with Predator vs. Vikings, knights, ninjas, pirates...

I’ve not read the comics but I enjoyed the first two episodes I watched this morning quite a lot.

I saw the trailer in front of Thor and it was... just kind of odd. It felt like a weak concept, the sort of thing you would expect from a C-tier animation studio. I legitimately thought to myself “Well I guess we don’t have to worry about Lasseter staging a comeback anytime soon.”

Look, I know we give the A.V. Club a lot of shit these days, so I figured a bit of praise is in order. This is an amazing phrase and bonus points for using my favorite word:

Yes, I’m seeing more talk like this today. I’d have said something but got piled-on yesterday for using the “S” word on another blog. There are a lot of angry sexist, racist dudes on this site just itching to scream you down if you suggest their misogynist idols are being unfair.

I’d go further: Peacemaker was one of the best shows of the year, full stop. It does sound like its future could be in doubt.

According to Variety, whose sources I trust more than the New York Post, it wasn’t about the quality of the film but a continuation of Zaslov’s slash and burn reorganizing of the film and TV division. He wants all DC stuff to be huge theatrical releases, not mid-budget direct to HBO Max releases. Not only does not

I refuse to believe this is worse than BvS, Justice League and WW1984.

Okay, operating theory: Stan Lee knew actual magic and DC is literally cursed.

Quick Keaton, allegedly kidnap some children and hold them in a farmhouse with a load of guns and weed. Then they’ll have no choice but to release it!

I saw it at a double feature with David Harbour’s Hellboy

Now be honest, none of you remembered this movie existed, did you?

Fyi, you're dead naming Emily St. James.

Take a breather, Racism Bot.

I’m not sure what “the hideous washed-out colors Marvel’s become known for” are but that’s one hell of a trailer. You do get the impression this is one area in MCU that gets to avoid the stylistic depersonalization of directors Marvel is indeed known for because, you know, Wakanda forever.

Haven’t watched the finale yet but I’ve loved this show. And in all the discussion, I hope Alia Shawkat isn’t overlooked. She’s excellent here.

I am old enough to remember that McDonalds coffee fiasco, namely in that I was actually burned (2nd degree) by a small amount that spilled from my cup onto my hand. Took 2 years for the burn scar to mostly heal (didn’t sue though.. but I approved the lawsuit when it happened). Still baffles to me to this day how they

My general rule of thumb when it comes to lawsuits being pressed against massive corporations by individuals that sound ridiculous on the face of it is that, nine times out of ten, there’s details that are going unreported that make the whole thing entirely reasonable.

Sure, but the smart thing here is to reserve judgement. Right now we only have the reports of the lawsuit, not the actual suit itself which would need to detail the similarities.

Reminds me of when Harry Potter became huge and everyone started suing JK Rowling because they wrote a children’s book about wizards, or magic, or with a character named Potter or something that sounded like Potter. You can’t copyright the idea of a sitcom or a mockumentary or a show set in an inner city public