not to play devil’s advocate, but is it that people actually care about the inhumans or more that people on the internet just like feeling smart about themselves for pointing out that something is different?
not to play devil’s advocate, but is it that people actually care about the inhumans or more that people on the internet just like feeling smart about themselves for pointing out that something is different?
So many people pretending they care about the Inhumans right now. Guys, just say you hate the show because you’re racist. I’d actually have more respect for that position.
Oh and I forgot to mention that, for being largely a bookend character only mattering in the first episode and this one, it actually does reveal a lot about Zoe’s character. Not only was she not willing to cooperate with Damage Control in general but the reveal that she knew, all along, it was Kamala and not only did…
Despite the faults of the 6 episode template and some plot points and character stuff that seemed a little rushed here just to keep things tidy, I’m gonna say it!
Before the Kinjapocalypse you could click on a review for an unimportant midseason episode of a show nobody remembered one year after it ended, and you’d get comments in the triple digits.
Nice of you to post this when this site basically ignored this seasons existence. You didn’t review it or provide any but the barest of mentions. And AV wasn’t alone. It was ignored by most of the entertainment press and got less than half the reviews on Rotten Tomatoes that the first season got. One of the best shows…
Ban Cars doesn’t mean ban cars.
Why is it that movements like this pick short, inflammatory names to only end up spending so much of their time saying “There’s so much more nuance than our name suggests!” I swear, it’s like some people actually WANT to hand their opponents an excuse to casually dismiss them
“Additionally in his statement, Cosby claims to have spoken with two jurors following the verdict, who told him, “You didn’t deserve to be in this court.””
This is clearly Cosby’s version of Trump’s man-who-came-up-to-me-with-tears-in-his-eyes. Many people are saying that.
Likeability is a hell of a loaded term, that betrays a person’s subconscious prejudices. Often, likeability amounts to conforming to the norms of the dominant culture. And why the hell should an Inquisitor have to be likeable?
I think you protest too hard buddy.
Solidarity with Charlie Hedbo was about a terrorist attack. People think that “free speech” should not be met with horrific violence. There, mystery solved.
Yes, but is it funny?
Okay this is trolling. At Chappelles best, he is thoughtful and smart. Granted more so on racial issues but still I'll give him that. Ricky Gervais's thing is just loudly yelling I'm an asshole who acts like an asshole aren't I funny. He's also pathetically thin skinned. He has never been thoughtful or smart,…
Well he also came out recently against affordable housing in his neighborhood, so it’s not his WHOLE shtick.
It’s more than that. Bill claims gay people are “doubling every generation,” from 1.5 percent in the 1940s to 10+ percent today (suggesting, I don’t know what, that they aren’t really gay, they are just looking for attention or some other reason?). But I suspect that the percentage of gay people are the same across…
So is this Chappelle’s whole shtick now, he’s just gonna be the “trans jokes guy” from now on? What’s next on his agenda, doing a set at CPAC?
In other news, Bill Maher ended his recent New Rules segment of Real Time with a mostly dumb, arguably awful take on trans identity in the US.
Mulaney was the only guy who dropped Dave Becky after the Louis CK thing became public. Mulaney is also obsessed with his image as a good guy. This is unexpected.
Wait, but have you considered how hilarious a squirrel beam would be? What if it were like a cascade of squirrels lined up nose to tail?