
I have no desire to see this, but I also had no desire to watch “lolz douchebags amirite?:The Series” which turned out to be fantastic TV.  So I’m cautiously optimistic.

Her musical credit sequence will be 60 seconds of stern silence and angry glaring.

her suddenly finding herself on the ropes and without the resources of her elaborate spy network (let alone the Suicide Squad)

Bigotman and the Legion of Q will certainly spawn a series of sequels that will pay off all of the state’s debts.

As much as I’m sorry for poor Jeff Smith, I’d love it if we could get away from the idea that every good book must be turned into something we can watch on a screen, the better.

Expertly presented this story in the clickbait-iest way possible. I’m almost impressed.

...was it really that bad? I was busting a gut for a lot of it. Bowen, Dismukes, Melissa all had great nights.

toying with the idea of turning DC into its own solidified content vertical.

I enjoyed the first one, though I’m hazy on a lot of the details now.

But even in production, it feels more like a knockoff by a cheapie copycat like The Asylum than Universal, particularly with its limited crew and a suitably cartoonish but decidedly inappropriate shot of a computer-generated dinosaur penis.”

As someone who worked in mental health for a bunch of years: assholes get sick too.

Someone offers someone a kind apology, internet is outraged.

For me too!  I have no problem with aging in general, since the alternative is just outright dying, but I can’t stand the thought of losing my mind and the general physical degradation that comes with it.  It’s really scary.

I’ve had relatives who suffered cognitive disorders, so I kind of feel where he’s coming from. Once you hear that someone’s been diagnosed with a medical condition which can result in changes to their personality or ability to comprehend things, it throws your past interactions with them into question. You start

An alternative take: I’m one of those guys who paid a lot of money to do the meet and greet with Kevin and Jason Mewes during the last movie tour.

I’m pretty sure the idea that Bruce Willis is difficult to work with, and kind of dick, has been around since Moonlighting. But I can still see where Kevin Smith is coming from here, as in general I think he tries to be a decent dude and regrets being an ass to someone who is obviously having a difficult time right

I get where Kevin’s coming from, but to be honest it really does sound like Bruce was just being a dick during that time rather than anything related to aphasia.

He was very good in Moonrise Kingdom 2 years later, and fine in Looper the same year. He seemed engaged (at least) in the Eli Roth Death Wish as recently as 2018. Maybe he was just in a shitty mood on the set of Cop Out, who knows. 

I’m going to go against the AV Club grain here and say Kevin Smith seems like a really decent, cool guy.

his recent Netflix film Army Of The Dead (which is at least fun)