
One of my closest friends died suddenly of a brain hemorrhage. Sure, this could have been a suicide or an overdose, but why don’t you let them do an autopsy before you notarize it?

When I was comings up, you’d be lucky to gets any banters and wordplays, now you got so muches of it you cans have plots at expenses of jokes, must be FUCKING NICE.

Not sure what to think about a Shorsey spin-off series. He works well as the asshole that pops up occasionally to rip zingers, but a whole show of that might be a bit much. Plus there’s no Jonesy and Reilly.

Yeah, the subheading notes that it gets more viewing than “most network shows”, but those popular network shows don’t tend to generate a lot of thinkpieces either.

1) Because it’s watched by the same boomers who love NCIS and Blue Bloods and The Closer and whatever other milquetoast nonsense appeals to people like my dad.

So, what I'm hearing is that it's a prestige drama for people who don't read thinkpieces about prestige dramas?

Yeah, I was trying to figure out which non-family Bob’s Burger characters were most likely to be involved in far right politics, and once I saw “Jimmy Pesto Sr.” I was like, “Oh yeah—that tracks.”


Ive heard that a lot about Orbach.  Played the roughest New York characters but was really a singing dancing sweetheart who was closer to Lumiere then Lenny Briscoe.  Shame he's been gone so long.

It’s the performance that even those who dislike The Family Stone tend to agree is the best thing about the movie.”

I would absolutely watch a movie about Belichick and the Patriots’ dynasty that had all the cadences and beats of a standard rousing sports movie, but all the big story moments are just Belichick and the franchise gloriously embracing ruthless amorality.

I have a friend who is from NYC, and one time he was an extra on Law and Order. He said Jerry Orbach was extremely nice, but Chris Noth was a huge asshole.

Det. Logan is probably re-assigned to Staten Island

This movie is fucking terrible and has no redeeming qualities whatsoever. No.

I think I understand now why Carrie didn’t call 911.

I’d rather see the Always Sunny gang make their film debut with a re-telling of Super Bowl LII.

I read through that entire column and didn’t see a mention of Sly anywhere.

Why do the scientists even make them?

Now playing

Sam’s getting to the age where he’s going to have to start considering Old Glory Insurance.

maybe they were at a place in their healing that they could talk about it, and seeing his face so much recently made them want to finally speak out. the thing with sexual violence is that it can take decades before you begin to process it, and instead you just cope with it as best you can. I hope one day I have the