
It doesn’t help that these days, Joss Whedon isn’t exactly someone that anyone is eager to jump to the defense of.


After that weird Age Of Ultron interlude about Natasha being a monster for not having a uterus/not being able to have kids, I appreciated that this episode casually showed a former Black Widow happily adopting a child.

It’s actually far worse, if only because of the ending. Imagine if the first Avengers movie ended with a ten-minute flash-forward to scenes from Avengers: Endgame, and then Tony woke up and talked to Captain Marvel, who was secretly operating as Maria Hill for reasons unknown. It would have been incomprehensible,

BvS had a few awesome Wonder Woman moments

I’m still awaiting the day Zack Snyder reads a third DC Comic other than The Dark Knight Returns and the Watchmen and realizes that those were supposed to be outliers commenting on the tone of the DC Universe, and not the tone itself.

His approach worked well for 300 (the third comic he ever read), but it’s not a

I like a lot of what Whedon tried to do with the movie, but within the constraints given (2-hour runtime, no delaying the release date, etc.), it was an impossible task.  Had Snyder finished the movie, while adhering to what the studio actually wanted, it would have been worse than either version we got.

Snyder seems to think every single superhero is just Batman in a different outfit. And his idea of Batman is the Punisher.

Putting aside how awful the movie is by itself, I despise this movie for giving the Snyder Cultists on Twitter ammunition to be even more irritating than they already were. You can’t really discuss anything DC anymore on Twitter without somebody coming in talking about how awesome the Snyder-verse is.

He didn’t get Superman at all. That is why trying to base a cinematic universe on “Snyder’s vision” was a mistake.

Like The Motherbox isn’t even really McGuffin in the comics. It’s basically a smartphone. A really advanced smartphone that can teleport you places and is sentient. But it’s just a smartphone.

..I’m definitely more of a DC fan than Marvel , but I couldnt give a shit about the ‘I’m 14 and this is deep you guys’ Justice League Edgelord directors cut. Load of OTT angsty shite.

I personally feel it should have been destroyed out of pure spite to the whiney and entitled Snyder Cultists who act like being a fan of Snyder movies is some sort of leftist political ideology and Snyder is some sort of White Savior. That liking his movies makes you morally superior to those who don’t at best or that

The best thing about both cuts of Justice League, and perhaps the only thing I truly enjoyed about either of them, was laughing like a little kid anytime someone said, “scent of the Motherbox.”

“No vocal minority is that dedicated.”

Friend, let me introduce you to THE FUCKING INTERNET.

Fucking cosign. The elitism and shitty “reasons why it sucks” were absurd. Fee reviewers took the show at face value, and like you said, it was apparently both “too much like the anime” and made “too many changes.” It was different. It was well performed, outstanding costumes and set design. Some pacing issues. I

Screw everyone, I loved the show. It’s especially telling that there were an equal number of people accusing it of both being too much like the original show, or not enough. And I absolutely loved what they did with Julia and just laughed at all the people saying it wasn’t true to the character. Because oh yeah, there

Yes, I’ve been saying for years I’m still around because I am too old to unlearn and relearn new sites. And I like the commenters here.

Somebody just posted this over in an IO9 thread, to further feed the “I’m not saying, I’m just saying” theory:

Occam’s razor says we should always favor the explanation with the fewest assumptions. Therefore, I submit to you that this is the work of one Martin Scorsese. He was so incensed at us superhero loving dorks for arguing with him about “cinema” that he’s gone to crazy lengths to deny us the chance to see Marvel’s