
I think the Monty Python troupe had said something of the sort on why they can’t do satire forever- once you become reasonably successful, you become what was the brunt of the joke the whole time.

Can’t we have one thread without you trying to fuck a Wookiee?

I love that Renee Baio isn’t concerned with Scott saying “goddammit” due to any religious conviction, but rather a worry that Scott is “gonna lose a lot of [his] Christian followers”.

Meanwhile, Dilbert-creator Scott Adams, now friendless, is still out here trying to convince people that he’s a hypnotist.

Wonder if he hypnotized himself into believing he’s not as asshole

The Phantom Zone of irrelevancy they all disappear into is so satisfying.

How about a comedy about serial killers?

With that many episodes they have to have pretty much run through analogues of basically every known serial killer ever, and gotten to the point where they’re just like “Uh...killer clown again but this time with different makeup maybe?”

Yeah, but what about the spinoff about detectives hunting silent circus performers? I speak of course of Criminal Mimes

Good.  It got 15 seasons and 324 episodes.  Either make something new or bring back a short lived show, like Pushing Daisies.

Good on her.  More people should take this stance, although obviously it’s easier if you have what I’d think is a pretty good nest egg like she should.

Honestly, after Ayer leaded a chant of “Fuck Marvel” at the 2016 Comic Con, the fact his production company is called “Trigger Warning Productions”, and the existence of Bright which he heavily re-wrote from the original draft (Which weirdly nobody appears to have written the original draft of Bright.) it’s pretty

Ayer says he will “no longer speak publicly on this matter,” meaning that this letter is presumably his final word, both on the film itself, and on those who inevitably drag it for not living up to its follow-up.

He gave these permission free to be themselves and now we’re seeing them exercise that freedom. There are a lot of atrocious, terrible people in the world, and once you remove the barrier of shame and consequence, they fan out with their dead eyes and creepy smiles and start doin’ shit.

From the WSJ artcile:

Fully endorse the point about laying off kids (this seems like one of those things we’ll look back on the way we now look back on how Britney was treated).

And the bartender is...Jackie Daytona.

Would be pretty cool if they did a post-credits “knowing is half the battle” scene after one of these things too.

“The director has been a divisive figure over the years”

What’s wrong with that? There seems to be this weird “why does this exist?” reaction to content that seemingly isn’t trying to appeal to “everyone”.  Nothing wrong with niche.