
Haven’t watched the video yet as it’s actually been a busy day, but the headline immediately made me think of something...

Some of the best movie directors of all time have made some movies that are middling to bad. The only way to make sure that every movie you ever make is an A+ is to ... not make a lot of movies, I mean very, very few movies. This is not a particularly good business model for a movie studio.

If you look at Pixar’s output like a band putting out albums, I feel like Soul will be their Some Girls, the late period one that will be judged much more fondly over time.

Yeah, I just re-watched all of TGP this past week and Eleanor is super horny for Tehani. She mentions it directly like once every few episodes.

I can sorta see multiple angles on this.

On the one hand, any artist forcefully rebutting why LGBTQ folk might see themselves in a TV-depicted relationship like the one between Bucky and Sam is going to reasonably get pushback. ESPECIALLY if you’re going to forcefully rebut an underdepicted minority group. And there’s

Hulu is basically the streaming service for Disney’s more mature offerings so they don’t dilute the family-friendly brandings.

In fairness, even George didn’t get a Summer of George.

As a, light skinned Latinx, I will say there are times it sucks being that because like lots of minorities it comes at you from both sides.

This is why I was so happy that the “Cash me outside” girl ended up making a ton of money off of merch. People acted like she was the decline of Western civilization personified and not just a dumb kid doing dumb kid stuff (also, fuck Dr. Phil forever). Good for her for getting paid.

But in the film, Vanessa is played by white-passing Mexican actor Melissa Barrera.

I was a little surprised there weren’t more darker-skinned actors, I was also suprised there were basically no asian people. It is possible that John Chu ran into the vicious circle issue with finding darker-skinned actors: a significant percentage haven’t been given enough chances to develop because nobody is casting

“I don’t know, buddy. But let’s find out” is now my go-to answer for virtually everything. Thanks Dave!

“I’m here to talk to you about the Hamilton Initiative.”

John Carpenter’s The Cook, the Thief, His Wife & Her Lover & The Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy’s Time Traveller’s Wife’s Bodyguard, an Officer & a Gentleman - Based on the Novel ‘Push’ by Sapphire

The two shows can coexist just fine.

My love for this reference is ticking clock.

I’m not sure which takes are more tired: the “Hamilton is bad tho” ones or the “YoU cAn’T SaY aNyThiNg BaD aBouT HaMiLtOn!” ones.

My thinking is that it’s because the film is about celebrating an often-discriminated group, and having there be a prejudice plot within that would seem counter-productive.

Wait, is this a movie where Rosa Diaz gets to be openly happy about something?

He knows that when he features more dark-skinned characters he’ll get blowback for that, too, so he’s trying to parcel out his blowbacks.