
“Wait, they’re going to check out a dress?!” 

Former UN Secretary-General M. U Thant?

Everyone was mad at her for calling out the catholic church and then it turned out she was right. Don’t think any other problems she has negates that in the slightest

Sorry, Dave Foley was a core member of Kids in the Hall. Anything after that is a step down, no matter how good it is.

If someone of any political stripe starts reflexively complaining about “cancel culture” or out of control “wokeness,” that’s the #1 sign you’re talking to a moron.

I find it more frustrating that prominent leftist YouTubers like ContraPoints are ranting about “Cancel Culture” despite the fact that their videos still get millions of views, they make at least $10,000 a month on Patreon, and they have a legion of fans who are ready and willing to harass anyone who calls them out on

Joe Rogan is the patron saint of dudes who are not nearly as smart as they think they are.

How’s this for a novel concept AT&T why not make your internet and phone service actually good that way you won’t be loosing customers. 

I read that as Real Time canceled and got excited.  I cannot remotely believe I used to like this show.  If smugness could become sentient, it would be Bill Maher.

Maybe they could invest $1000 in developing a better UI that doesn’t make me want to punch the screen.

Hey Bezos, stop being a cheapskate!

The message is don’t be a toxic asshole. Especially one bad enough to cause five writers to quit en masse in protest of your profound asshattery.

If it means no more Triple D, hard pass. Every time I go somewhere I’ve never been I look up to see if there’s a Triple D episode on it, watch it, and almost always get a winner.

I think you’re both right.
That kind of mockery absolutely causes harm. There’s a whole “Apu” documentary about it. Hell, when I was a kid I had a thick southern accent, when I moved to the midwest I’d go home in tears after kids called me “hillbilly” all day. I’d sit in my room with a tape recorder playing my voice

You apologize for thinking anyone involved with Hackers has anything to apologize for. Good day, madam. I said, good day!

He’s also played by digital Tig Notaro.

Hey! Where’s Cyborg?

guess which Cranberries hit gets an acoustic rendition?

Maybe they’ll bring in Betty White?

Nobody’s willing to part with those pre-existing Marvel licenses, even with the Disney money van involved. Universal gleefully sits on its right of first refusal for Hulk movies, forcing Bruce Banner to always play second-fiddle to another character’s story. Sony was merely willing to share custody of Spider-Man with