I think he just screws around doing projects he thinks are fun without worrying about much. I really can’t blame him at all.
I think he just screws around doing projects he thinks are fun without worrying about much. I really can’t blame him at all.
So I just watched this and I gotta say - I really enjoyed it. But I can’t say I ever really tired of Joss Whedon’s work (I’m not talking about him as the person but his stories) exactly. I might have taken issue with one thing or another but... I genuinely don’t mind it being exactly what it appears to be - a…
I remember there was a Buffy week on the AV club shortly before Kai Cole’s public declaration about him, and the site switched gears pretty fast without any real acknowledgement of the disconnect.
A corollary of people overlooking shitty behavior of artists they like is this trend of people acting like someone who is…
If Andrew Koji is in this as Storm Shadow, then at least the action will be good. Warrior was such an underrated show, and he’s such an underappreciated action star.
Can we just start calling these men straight up pedophiles? Don’t care how close some are to being legal...
Yeah, Singin’ in the Rain is one of the greatest musicals ever made — possibly the greatest one ever, and the emotion it deals in is one that is incredibly hard to capture on film (much much harder than sadness): it’s joy. Complete, unfettered joy.
When a skeptical French TV interviewer asked Demy why he had his characters sing their restaurant orders when people don’t do that in real life, Demy simply replied, “Why not? It would make life more pleasant!”
“how dare you cut out the five minute scene of me playing football in slow motion”
Just curious: is there anyone out there who has seen the Snyder Cut and came away excited about a Cyborg movie? After that four-hour experience, my impression is ... meh. The character was fine. Fisher’s performance was fine. There’s absolutely no part of that backstory or character arc that I want to spend more time…
The actor says this made him think of Black actors like Gary Coleman and Jimmie Walker, who became synonymous with the catchphrases of their TV counterparts.
If this is Fisher not being cryptic, maybe he should go back to being cryptic. Because if this is the whole story basically boils down to:
Maybe the Snyder Cut and Joss Whedon were bad ideas for the DC Universe.
I’m guessing that someone at the CW is probably working on “Quimby: Medical Examiner,” even as we speak.
I had heard that they were planning to remake Destroy All Monsters. If so, I would definitely want to see that.
Yeah, TBH it can be a bit hard to tell when someone is or isn’t reacting with genuine quivering fury about something these days...
Honestly, the takeaway I got from this was less “Jamie Kennedy isn’t woke enough” but “Jamie Kennedy gotta eat.”
Jesus, two years later and I’m never going to stop feeling vicariously embarrassed by people calling Captain Marvel’s 90 seconds of air force content that’s entirely about how they’re a bunch of misogynist pricks ‘military propaganda’.
I still can’t figure out how they communicated that jail break plan? As apparently they were being monitered due to Zemo starting to ask about the book thing, and that was enough?