I did this with my young daughter until I had a vision of her when she’s older going into a casino, insisting that 13 beats a 21, grabbing the pot and then getting tackled by security.
I did this with my young daughter until I had a vision of her when she’s older going into a casino, insisting that 13 beats a 21, grabbing the pot and then getting tackled by security.
I have to play UNO with my first grader...every...single...night. She cries if she loses a single hand, which means I throw down zeros and twos and hold on to all the wild and skip cards to ensure she wins.
Can we have a category called “Actors/Actresses From Ryan Murphy Shows That Deserve To Be In Better Things"?
A newly resurrected Superman kills a homeless person, slowly in black and white to the entire length of “Hallelujah” whilst Batman looks on, visibly aroused in his spandex.
Yeah Children of Earth is proper “grown up”, that punches you in the gut then kicks you when you’re on the ground.
Yet his most lively film, Dawn of the Dead, is the one where everyone is dead.
Since this is on HBO Max and not in theaters... did it even need to get an MPAA rating? Is this just another way Snyder’s trying to juice up interest?
A movie with Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash and Aquaman in it, and kids can’t see it. What an era we live in.
I don’t think anybody has expected the Globes to do a good job within my lifetime.
Oof, that was really good, I hate it.
It’s a cold and it’s a broken
Snyder “accidentally” left in a clip of himself masturbating furiously to the “Granny’s peach tea” scene from BvS.
That’s your answer to everything!
But one time with a sexual connotation.
The Joker has a full bowel movement on-camera. One take, no cuts. Brave filmmaking.
Oh my god. I just want this to be over with.
Whenever Cyborg’s not on screen, the other characters ask “where the fuck is Cyborg?”
He has loudly and proudly admitted he's cutting the only parts of the movie I enjoyed. When Superman takes a break from fighting the video game boss and saves innocent people. I get why. It's narratively inconsistent to have Superman be Superman in your Snyder Cinematic Universe.
I’m so fucking sick of this movie. I’m sick of the Snyder fanboys who willed it into existence. I’m sick of the vague-ass controversy surrounding the movie. I’m sick of Ray Fisher, who won’t say shit about what the fuck happened. I’m sick of everyone throwing Joss Whedon under the bus; he’s a piece of shit, but…