
There was something in his eyes.. I liked him a lot in The West Wing (To C.J. “ I like you. You’re the one I like.”), he breaks my heart in Into the wild, so much so that I wish McCandless would have stayed and kept making leather belts with him... And well, the man was Deep Throat in one of my favorite movies.

Ehh, when the uncredible opinion is about a movie I don’t see any issue. We all speculate and try to draw connections to things without any real facts when it comes to fictional mediums. It’s fun.

You’d think the Kotaku folks personally kicked every commenter’s dog.

Where are you reading this “she’s pathetic” vibe? I didn’t get that *at all*. If anything it felt like throwing WB shade for not considering the possibility.

Why not just merge the continuities? This is a perfectly satisfactory backstory for Catwoman:

You nailed the type exactly. I watched it last night. The B- grade is generous.

Yes. Comfort food.

Jesus, the artwork looks as fascist as hell. I have no doubt teenage Zack Snyder jerked off to a coffee table book of Albert Speer architecture and weight lifting magazines. 

I mean, who knows if she is actually dead. It is Marvel here lol.

I was pretty nervous that this episode would lose me, because if I’m being honest I’m way more into old sitcoms than MCU Science Team stuff, which are always my least-favorite thing of MCU movies.

Two things I loved about this episode:

I truly do not understand how Warner Brothers spends so much money on the DC movies yet the CGI looks like such absolute dogshit. It’s been true of all of the Snyder DC movies, but even in Wonder Woman 1984 there were multiple scenes where the CGI was so atrocious it pulled me out of the movie. 

This is my main problem with Snyder’s Superman, he doesn’t seem to like the character. Which begs the question why did he want to make a film about a character he seems to hate?

The biggest lie anybody ever told was “it can’t get any worse.”

At this point, the Snyder Cut can only improve upon the first film’s extremely rocky legacy.

Passerby: “Superman, didn’t your heat vision used to be really colorful?”

O. Kay.

I think we’re in that glut already, actually, though maybe the average is more B- than a solid B work, and it’s usually delivered straight to streaming so a bit of a mess to find. Netflix feels filled with genre pieces of older scripts or just workmanlike ones that were produced to fill the content churn. I’m

I wonder if maybe we will see a lot more stuff like this - enjoyable boilerplate genre movies that work as background noise for a home audience in the wake of covid basically destroying theaters. I actually want to see this movie, not because I am a fan of the genre or even the actors (Denzel has led me wrong too many

As useful as streaming is, some movies are just made to be watched on cable at 3 p.m. on a Saturday.