
The A.V. Club

The remedial action is to edit two additional hours of Ray Fisher’s Cyborg into the long-awaited Zack Snyder’s Justice League.

I’d be fascinated to hear about the actual behind-the-scenes details and around Episode 9/The Rise of Skywalker. But Justice League? That’s about as “meh” as prospects come.

“Click on each photo that has an Ewok.” 

My favorite CYA explanation is that it’s Star Wars Captcha, and it’s literally just making sure you’re not a robot.

I have sympathy for the directors who’ve lost control of how their artistic work is experienced, but two points: (1) welcome to the club, that’s the experience of everyone else in film production who isn’t the director, and (2) it’s the studio’s money that financed these films, and they are the ones have the most to

Nolan wanted Tenet to be released in middle of pandemic (and it did).

Why, for 54 years I’ve put up with them now!
I must stop these Grinch adaptations from coming! But how?

Guy given dumpster fire and told to try and fix dumpster fire getting blamed for it seems kind of unfair.

Hold on a fucking second here.

Here’s my take, I think both Man of Steel and Batman V Superman went with the complete wrong tone and are a mess in editing. That being said, I think Snyders Justice League would have at least been more interesting then whatever by the numbers low budget looking thing that was Whedon’s version.

Yeah, I understand Whedon has made himself an easy target over the years, but let’s not pretend this is all on him. Among the many problems with Justice League is that it’s both figuratively and literally too dark for no reason, the villain is boring as shit, and the characterization is mostly crap. That slate sounds

Joss Whedon’s Justice League: Rigged Very Badly

Is there a universe where Justice League was “met only with shrugs”? Because I don’t think it was this one. IIRC the movie was savaged as some sort of unholy frankenstein combo of Snyder’s dourness mixed badly with Whedon’s quippiness, then drenched in ugly looking CGI. It was the death knell of the DCEU, whose

This movie is number 2 on my list of shit I'm completely fucking sick of hearing about, right behind Donald Trump's month long temper tantrum over being a loser.

Katie, this was an Ignatiy-level pan. I especially like, “Enter girl next door Rosemary (Emily Blunt), whose cheeks are ruddied to the point that she looks like she’s mid-contour at all times.” *chef’s kiss*

Because assholes who think their movie can only be seen in a theater during a pandemic can fuck themselves 

Hey Nolan. There is a fucking pandemic going on and will be going on a long time next year.  Do you want people to actual see your movies?

Reading these comments, I guess a lot of people these days see “unfettered outrage” where I see “relentless, bemused dunking on aging Gen-Xers.” I like Sedaris’s writing, but there’s barely a joke here, and it’s limply punching down from a place of high status.

The trouble is, as Gary Larson himself admitted, is that he made one of the tools look like a crude saw, which made the audience try and figure out what the OTHER tools might be and predictably coming up empty.